Product Review: Seneca Herbal Black Salve

by Todd Walker

I was made aware that the ground I walked upon, was the very medicine of the Earth. ~ Kevin W. Luce

We often get comments and emails from folks wanting to advertise their product(s) on our site. Since we don’t allow advertising, if the product seems to be something that would add value and be useful to our readers, I’ll give it a try – and an honest review.

For instance, after our first post in our Herbal Medicine Kit series, Ben left a comment asking me to review an all-natural healing and drawing salve his family makes. I agreed, and I’m glad I did.

A few days later I received a jar and their brochure.

After three weeks of using Seneca Herbal Black Salve, I’m pleased with the results!

History of Seneca Herbal Black Salve

The brochure states:

The salve was developed by Myrtle Peterson (also known in the Seneca language as ‘Gayanose’) while she was studying herbal medicines in Olean, New York. Myrtle was a Seneca Native American know for being a Hawk Clan Mother, member of the Seneca Government, and on of the authors of the Seneca Dictionary. Myrtle was also a renowned herbalist, authoring various books and pamphlets on local herbs and their uses.

Made completely from natural herbs, the salve can be used for:

  • Healing open sores and skin ulcers caused from Diabetes, Sebaceuos Dermatitis, and other conditions.
  • Soothing skin rashes caused from diapers allergic reactions, and plants (poison ivy!).
  • Healing minor cuts and burns.
  • Helping with eczema and scaly skin diseases.
  • Drawing irritants our of the skin, such as slivers, metal shavings, and glass particles.

Directions for Use

  1. Apply a generous amount of salve on affected area.
  2. Cover with gauze or bandage.
  3. Change dressing 2-4 times per day (or as needed) until area is completely healed.

CAUTION: For external use only. When using this product, avoid contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children. Do not eat. If swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center immediately.

In 2001 I was diagnosed with skin lupus (cutaneous lupus erythematosus). Thankfully, only my skin is affected – not like the systemic type. Exposure to the sun’s UVB and UVA ultraviolet rays is what triggers flare ups on my skin. This sucketh since I love and spend lots of time outdoors!

The area most affected is my neck.

Over the years I’ve used a prescription salve to treat the rash which is often misdiagnosed as rosacea, psoriasis, or eczema. In an attempt to avoid prescription medications, I’ve tried many natural remedies – coconut oil, tallow, and bees-wax concoction – to help the condition. Eventually the red “butterfly” rash will turn white and flaky and cause scaring if not treated early.

Testing the Black Salve

I tested the salve on two conditions: skin lupus and tick bites.

Lupus test: A few of the lupus spots on my neck had started transitioning to the white, flaky phase. Instead of applying a generous amount as recommended, I began applying a thin layer on the rash. Just enough to cover the area. I didn’t want to walk around with a bandage on my neck.

Over the last three weeks, the Seneca Herbal Black salve has worked to stop the flare ups on my neck and head. It hasn’t cured the condition. But I’ve never had any other natural product work this well. It even appears to help with the previous scaring the rash left in past years.

Tick bite: Another source of skin irritation for me is insect bites – tick bites in particular. No matter how many prevention measures I take, these pesky bugs seem to find me. I’ve been dealing with three bites for two months now.

When bitten, I remove the tick and apply crushed plantain immediately. This takes care of the stinging and itching for a day or two. But the bite takes a long time to completely heal. I guess it goes with the territory of having my skin condition. I’ve had bites take 6 to 8 months to go away completely.

They itch, I scratch, and the cycle continues. So I tried the Black Salve on a bite on my leg as recommended in the pamphlet. After 24 hours, the welt had reduced in size and no longer itched!

I applied another round of salve on the area for two additional days. This bite stopped itching for the first time in two months.

For maintenance purposes, I spread a dab on the ‘butterfly’ rash on my neck daily. Now I’m able to shave the area with ease. The rash is no longer raised and inflamed.

The prescription cream works to a certain degree but I hate to use the chemicals in the tube. For me, the Seneca Herbal Black Salve has become my go-to ointment for my skin.

If you’re interested in ordering for yourself, family, or herbal medicine kit, contact Ben’s family business in Jamestown, NY:

Phone: 716-640-7453

Website: Seneca Salve


As I stated earlier, we don’t allow advertising on our site. We do promote products that we’ve personally tested and would recommend to our readers. We have no financial interest in this family run company.

However, I did receive a free jar to try. And I’m so glad I did. I’ll be ordering more. The 2 ounce container sells for $19.95. In three weeks of daily use, I’ve used about a third of the jar.

They also sell a salve for animal use. If it’s anything like the salve I used, it would come in handy on pets and larger animals on your homestead.

If you try it, I’d be interested in hearing your results!

Keep doing the stuff!


P.S. ~ As always, if anything from this site adds value to your life, please pass it on. You can also connect with us on TwitterPinterest, and our new Facebook pageThanks for sharing the stuff!

Copyright Information: Content on this site (unless the work of a third-party) may be shared freely in digital form, in part or whole, with a link back to this site crediting the author. If you are interested a third-party article, please contact the author directly for republishing information. Thanks for sharing the stuff!

Categories: Herbal Remedies | Tags: , | 5 Comments

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5 thoughts on “Product Review: Seneca Herbal Black Salve

  1. I’m glad you have found something that works. There is nothing like having a skin disorder that can’t heal properly. I have never used black salve but I have heard of people using it as a treatment for skin cancer. Have you ever used charcoal as a drawing agent?


  2. Hi Todd!

    Just saw that you had posted this review. Thank you so much! I’m so happy that you found the salve useful on your condition . . . that’s always great to hear!

    Thanks again!


  3. Carol

    When I was a child growing up in NW Pa., my mother would use Seneca Salve on us kids for a myriad of things. It always worked.


  4. Echo

    if this stuff is anything like the black salve that i use to have for my horses??? then it is freaking great stuff.


  5. Rebecca Wolfe

    I want to know if this product is animal free? I refuse to use blue emu. Thank you for your attention. Rebecca Wolfe, 11889 main St East Springfield PA 16411


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