Reader Appreciation Fall Giveaway

Kat Yorba contacted me about participating in a giveaway a while back. Y’all know Kat from the excellent Herbal Medicine Kit series she’s been contributing.

So to say thanks for your support, Dirt Road Girl and I wanted to give you a chance to win some prizes as a small token of our appreciation. Just scroll down and check out the 7 gifts donated by us 7 bloggers you can win. Each of us have donated one prize that you’re eligible to win. At the very bottom of this post, you can register with Rafflecopter.

Good luck to our faithful followers and all the new folks joining us as we continue Doing the Stuff!


Welcome to the

Fabulous Fall Giveaway!

Seven of us bloggers got together and decided we wanted to do something SPECIAL for YOU – our treasured FANS and to WELCOME NEW FANS TOO!!!

We have put together a very special Fabulous Fall Giveaway just for YOU!

The 7 bloggers and their prizes are:

Stacy Harris @ Game and Garden

Tracking the Outdoors In by Stacy Harris
Tracking the Outdoors In by Stacy Harris

Prize: Tracking the Outdoors In by Stacy Harris

Nutritious Wild Game, Fish, and Vegetables that are Exceptionally Delicious and Surprisingly Easy to Prepare is a refreshing cookbook that focuses on recipes from the wild such as venison and other wild game and heirloom vegetables. In her book, not only does Stacy give the information needed to melt away any intimidation of cooking from the wild, but she also gives the techniques to simplify the process of making succulent, excellent meals. The recipes are for everyday and are the best that you will find!

Heather Harris @ The Homesteading Hippy

Expressionary thumb gold

Prize – $20 Gift Certificate to Expressionary

Express your style in print. With custom stationery, notes, invitations, address labels, stamps, embossed personalized stationery and more.

Laura Massengale  @ Homestead Redhead

burts bees thumb

Prize: Burt’s Bees Essentials Kit

The package contains:  Almond Milk Beeswax Hand Cream, Pomegranate Lip Balm, Honey and Grapeseed Hand Cream, Coconut Foot Cream, Hand Salve and Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream

Todd Walker @ Survival Sherpa

Sustainable thumb


Recipes & Tips for Sustainable Living Book by Stacy Harris

Responding to the trend toward sustainable living, Recipes and Tips for sustainable living helps you make delicious food using natural ingredients.

Dawn Yoder @ Oh Sweet Mercy

Expressionary thumb red

Prize – $20 Gift Certificate to Expressionary

Express your style in print. With custom stationery, notes, invitations, address labels, stamps, embossed personalized stationery and more.

Kat Yorba – Simply Living Simply

Coffee thumb

Prize: Coffee Basket filled with Coffee Goodies!

 1 Package Starbucks Pumpkin Vanilla Latte

1 Travel Stainless Steel Mug

2 Really cool Coffee Magnets

1 Gorgeous Fall Handmade Coffee Cozy (by ME!)

Chara Shopp @ Stitching Hearts Together

Adventures thumb

Prize: Adventures with Kids in the Kitchen E-book by Chara Shopp

Encourages and teaches you when, how and why to bring your kids into the kitchen.

The best way to get your kids to eat food that’s good for them is to have them involved in preparing it.  I know my boys are proud to offer up “their” garden produce or homemade dishes when we have guests, and I’m sure your kids will be proud to share what they’ve made, too.


How Does This Work?

Participate in as many items in the Rafflecopter below that you wish to.  Remember, the more items you participate in the more entries you have and chances to win.  Facebook options are mandatory, however the blog comments are optional…BUT…I hear tell that the owners of the Websites/Blogs MAY have a special separate gift at their site for you when you go leave a comment!  Also, you can participate in the twitter option once per DAY!!  A great way to add more entries.  Giveaway will be held for 7 FULL days and upon close – 7 WINNERS will be chosen at random for the 7 prizes, also paired with the winners at random.

ENJOY and have FUN!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Categories: Uncategorized | 16 Comments

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16 thoughts on “Reader Appreciation Fall Giveaway

  1. Susan H

    Awwww, TY but appreciation not required… I get my gifts from you and DRG everyday 🙂 and to you both…my love~His peace


  2. Your email yesterday about your friend was beautiful. Thanks for sharing it.


  3. Thanks for the giveaway! I’m prepping for fall by collecting firewood in case the power goes out.


  4. Adrienne @ Whole New Mom

    trying to get water storage going but I am drying apples.


  5. I’ve been working on re-organizing my preps so far this fall. I’ll probably buy some new stuff that we need, too! 🙂


  6. Valerie F

    i’ve been prepping by canning, drying herbs, etc. Food Prep!


  7. Having spent my entire life in Michigan, I know the cold snaps and the ‘Indian Summers’. I appreciate both of these. However, I find that my favorite things about fall are the smells; an autumn breeze, fallen leaves, rain in the air, spices wherever you go, the dirt as you turn it to harvest potatoes, etc. I am sure that everyone, given the chance to reflect on their favorite autumn thing, would have an associated smell that helps make it special. Enjoy it while it is here, everyone! It always goes away too quickly.


  8. To prepare for Fall, I stock up on as many cozy sweaters as I can find, fill the cabinets with pumpkin and apple spices and head to the kitchen to prepare some Fall comfort food!


  9. Paula

    No special preparation needed as Fall is a mild season where I live but this is when I most enjoy cooking confort food.
    Thanks for the chance
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com


  10. My fall prep consists of trying to get some wild game for the freezer and cutting firewood for our heat.


  11. Cynthia

    I have been doing a lot of canning and we also have a fall garden.


  12. Christina

    I’m not too good at gardening (think red mud and black thumb) but i love to buy things from other farmers and can or dehydrate them 🙂


  13. wendy

    Here in Northen Ohio, it’s important to be prepared for snow and nasty roads. I’m going this week to give my car a check up, and will stock it with roadside emergency gear!


  14. Angela Rhodes Ingles

    We’re prepping for fall by getting the last of the veggies out of the garden. It’s supposed to be near freezing tomorrow night!


  15. Holly

    Not a lot of prep to do here in Central Texas. Our winters are very mild. But I want to start canning and dehydrating things. And since we dont have weather thats too bad, I can still plant a fall garden. I also like to make sure I have all my emergency things together in case the power goes out. So the oil lamps, blankets, matches, etc. I keep them all in one place so I know where theyre at.


  16. Pingback: Jim’s DiY Fuel Transfer Pump: Don’t Spit or Swallow | Survival Sherpa

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