Primal/Paleo Top Ten List Of Foods To Store

This article was originally published at Survival Punk and is reprinted with permission from the author. We appreciate it James!

Top Ten Paleo Food for Storage

by James Burnette

I’m sure many of you have seen the lists going around the net of the top ten Long term storage foods. I’ve seen a ton of them and most of them are the same list over and over. On top of that most of the list is things I don’t want to eat now nor in a disaster. I’m not storing wheat and not going to eat it. So I thought about it and did some serious research. I’ve came up with a list of ten foods that are paleo friendly and have storage lives from years to indefinite. My paleo foods list is as follows.



Coming in at number ten is maple syrup. While I don’t think you should be guzzling down maple syrup, used very sparingly as a treat . Maple syrup is very calorically  dense. As an occasional morale boost would be awesome. It has no real expiration date. I would not only use it one rare occasions and in small amounts. It would also make a good barter Item. People are always willing to pay more for wants over needs and America has a lot of sweet teeth.



Coming in at number nine is Sauerkraut. Kraut is an amazing paleo food and has a ton of health benefits. Contains vitamin C and lactobacili bacteria. Captian James Cook made sure he always took plenty of kraut on his voyages to prevent scurvy. Lactobacili may posses many theraputic benefits, including anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activities. It Can last many months in it’s fermentation vessel. Unfortunately unless it’s canned it does not last more than a season. Once canned it’s live bacteria dies and you lose the benefits. It it weren’t for that it would easily be number one on the list.



Number nine is the often vilified Lard. Lard used to be the go-to fat of choice. It has long been a substitute for butter. I feel lard has got a bad rap though, lard has less saturated fat, more unsaturated fat, and less cholesterol than an equal amount of butter by weight.[2]. Lard unlike the modern franken-oil contains no trans fats. Lard is massively calorically dense, with 115 calories per Tbsp. Lard has a great shelf life. I’ve seen some conflicting numbers on the internet but came across a story where a 64 year old can of Lard was tested and was still safe to eat.


Salami is the number seven item. There are many hard Italian Salamis that claim to have no expiration date. Salami is great combination of Fat/protein. Does not require any refrigeration. In my experience of taking salami’s camping they have a huge satiety effect. It only takes a small amount to feel full and have plenty of energy. Plus they are delicious.


Salt Cured meats is number six. This is a rather all inclusive category. Salt cured and salt packed meats can last a very long time and was the main method before refrigeration. From my research it seems to work for all meat. The time it takes and the complexity of the curing process varies greatly. Some hams can six months just to fully cure. This is one preservation method that should be studied and mastered now while there are resources and hospitals in case of a mistake.


Coming in at the half way point is Salt. Without it you can’t do number six. Salt is a rock from the ground and never goes bad. Salt has been used for various methods of food preservation for thousands of years. It would be a huge benefit in making bland food taste better. Salt historically was a valuable commodity and in a long term disaster I can see it being a big barter item. Salts cheap stock up now.

Read the top 5 here

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