Ladies ~ Taking Oprah’s Anti-Gun Advice is Just Plain Dumb

Not only has Karen De Coster been on the front lines battling tyranny for many years, she is solely responsible for introducing me to the Primal/Paleo lifestyle over three years ago. My hat is off to you, Karen, for pointing me to food freedom, life, and liberty!

For any Oprah-bots stumbling upon this – I’m preaching to the choir I hope – please read, get your government permission slip if you have to, acquire a firearm and training, and excommunicate yourself from O’s cult.

This article was originally published at and reprinted here with the author’s permission. Please checkout her bio and connect with Karen through her info below the article.

The Church of Oprah

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“No One Ever Needs to Carry A Gun”: Disciples of Oprah

by Karen De Coster

This is a statement that is often said to me to try and bait me into argument. I hear this from friends and acquaintances. Admittedly, it comes mostly from women (surprise, surprise). At gatherings, women just seem to want to bait me into arguing this topic, even when I haven’t even hinted at a discussion of the topic. My perception is that they are jealous of my self-sufficiency and radical independence, in addition to being bugged by the fact that I own guns and advocate for gun ownership and the right of self-defense via my writing. This is in addition to their Oprahized belief of the world that there really isn’t a lot of hate or crime, and when there is, odds are that it just won’t ever happen to them. That’s a nice, fluffy dream, ain’t it?

In the end, I walk away from these arguments because (1) we won’t change one another’s mind (2) we will strain our friendship or acquaintance, and (3) they are far less knowledgeable, learned, and researched on the topic as compared to me. So I turn and walk away from these philistine entrapment scenarios.

Other friends who do not agree with me on this topic just leave it alone – just as it should be. I have no desire to consistently defend my personal beliefs of the rights to self-defense in the company of friends. Luckily, not one person in my family is so stupid to ever utter such a thing to me because we all have the same philosophy about the right to life and freedom from aggression.

This story is a sick case of the loss of a loved human being due to a gang of animals with the two characteristics that make these people so dangerous: (1) they have nothing to lose, and (2) they are bored, and thus have way too much time on their hands to seek and engage conflict.

When he was walking out of the store, witnesses told police four teens jumped on him and began beating and kicking him and within two minutes he was shoved backwards onto the five lane road, pushed to the ground and knocked unconscious.

A passing car hit him.

When one has connections to the local news, as I do, you see the oodles of violent crime within your little suburban enclave that most people never, ever hear about: bank robberies; rapes and armed robberies in parking lots of major retail stores; small store robberies; carjackings; home invasions; and attacks on people walking or driving alone. A recent local crime occurred in a Kohl’s parking lot at 2pm, where a woman was raped, and folks just walked by without taking any action whatsoever.

But according to the disciples of Oprah, nothing ever happens to them. So accordingly, nothing will ever happen to you, so … why do you need to carry a gun? As a self-defense instructor put it to me – you carry a gun and know how to use it because you want to make it home tonight.

Joshua didn’t make it home. But the dedicated Oprah Philosophers will remind you that it never happens to you. Only those people in the news who are far removed from your reality. Happy dreams, people.

Author’s bio: Karen De Coster, CPA is an accounting/finance professional in the healthcare industry and a freelance writer, blogger, speaker, and sometimes unpaid troublemaker. She follows a Primal/Paleo lifestyle. She writes about libertarian stuff, economics, financial markets, the medical establishment, the Corporate State, health totalitarianism, and other essentially, anything that encroaches upon the freedom of her fellow human beings. When she has a few moments of spare time she engages functional fitness, adventure cycling, photography, conversations with friends, and visiting wine regions. Check out her website. Follow her on Twitter @karendecoster.

Categories: 180 Mind Set Training, Self Defense, Tyranny | Tags: , , | 6 Comments

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6 thoughts on “Ladies ~ Taking Oprah’s Anti-Gun Advice is Just Plain Dumb

  1. Vikki

    I don’t own a gun or watch oprahs anything anymore. I am appalled that she would say something so stupid.


    • O influences many people. Glad to hear you’ve turned her off. Have you considered gun ownership before?


      • Vikki

        Yes, I have thought about buying a gun. Gun ownership is a major commitment of money and time.


      • Not only money and time, but a lot of responsibility goes with owning a gun and learning to use one properly. If you do decide to buy, there are some very decently priced handguns you can find used.


  2. Kris

    Thanks for sending me to Karen De Coster’s site. I disagree with some of her philosophies but I respect the intelligent, thoughtful and researched way she presents them. I really like her site.


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