A DiY Survival Sling Shot with Big Game Capabilities

by Todd Walker

Could you survive in the wilderness with only a sling shot as your weapon?

A DiY Survival Sling Shot with Big Game Capabilities

A DIY Survival Sling Shot with Big Game Capabilities

Lots would depend on your survivability. Having a means to harvest protein and animal fat would surely increase your chances.

In a perfect world, the sling shot would not be my first choice. But having options makes one more robust.

When Dave Canterbury first talked about hunting big game with a sling shot, I thought he’d lost his mind. But then again, I’ve seen him do amazing things with common, everyday items. [Note: Check your local hunting regulations before hunting with a sling shot.]

I first saw his video on his pocket hunter over three years ago before he was co-starring on Dual Survival. I was impressed. So much so that I turned my wrist rocket into a DIY version of his now patented Deluxe Pathfinder Pocket Hunter Kit

My version is rough, but functional. I have three points on arrows for my sling shot: fishing tip, broadhead, and judo points. Here’s a look at a judo point on a wooden arrow.

A DiY Survival Sling Shot with Big Game Capabilities

Judo point ready to slay a spud.

The purpose of the judo point is to snag on brush, grass, or the ground and flip the arrow up to make finding a missed shot easier. It’s used for hunting small game animals.

The smallest game I could legally hunt today was Mr. Potato Head. Dirt Road Girl offered up a sacrificial spud. The hunt was on!

A DiY Survival Sling Shot with Big Game Capabilities

Use the same draw technique as you would with a traditional bow.

A DiY Survival Sling Shot with Big Game Capabilities

Dead spud at ten yards!

Both field points and broadheads penetrated this target about 5 inches at ten and 15 yards. Just like finding your anchor point in archery, shooting sling shots are no different. I anchor at the right corner of my mouth and aim instinctively.

Back when I built my pocket hunter, I secured a Whisper Biscuit between the arms of my sling shot with wire ties. I can fold the arrow rest down to shoot ball bearings or pebbles.

My arrow with the fishing tip is carbon. I secured a piece of nylon bank line to the arrow. This line is attached to the line spool on the PVC pipe on the wrist rocket. I mounted the pipe on a piece of aluminum plate screwed into the base of the wrist rocket. When shot, the line peels off the spool perfectly.

A DiY Survival Sling Shot with Big Game Capabilities

Bow fishing set up.

The main drawback of my pocket hunter is carrying full length arrows. Dave fixes that issue with take down arrows.

You can check out his kit at his Pathfinder Store. The Three-Piece Take Down Arrows are sold separately. I’ve added them to my wish list. This allows you to carry a silent, but deadly, weapon in your survival kit – all in one self-contained bag. Brilliant!

A DiY Survival Sling Shot with Big Game Capabilities

I use an old military surplus medic IV bag to store and carry my pocket hunter. Just need those break down arrows to complete the kit.

As I said in the beginning of this article, I would prefer to have a long gun for wilderness survival. But the pocket hunter is another option for redundancy in harvesting game quietly in a survival scenario. Options are good!

Keep Doing the Stuff of Self-Reliance,


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Categories: Bushcraft, equipment, Self-reliance, Survival | Tags: , , , , | 43 Comments

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43 thoughts on “A DiY Survival Sling Shot with Big Game Capabilities

  1. That is so neat, Todd! What an imazing idea!


  2. Tatum

    This is very awesome and very practical for a multitude of reasons. Keep up the great work and let me know if you think up any more brilliant and inexpensive prepper ideas. This one is going in my kit for sure.



  3. Thank you, Tatum! Always good to have options 😀


  4. Pingback: “Doing the Stuff” vs Pretending | Survival Sherpa

  5. Wayne

    Really enjoying your common sense site. Just because it’s called common, doesn’t mean it always is. Thanks, Kiwi Sailor in New Zealand.


  6. C.W.

    About 55yrs ago, Wammo made a slingshot out of wood that had a wire arrow rest you could put on it…amazing how many people think it’s a new idea….I do like the fishing reel though..


  7. Pingback: Stump Shooting as a Survival Skill | Survival Sherpa

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  9. Pingback: A DiY Survival Sling Shot with Big Game Capabilities | Survival Sherpa | wwlee4411

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  12. Ben

    need more detailed breakdown how to build this amazing survival tool PLEASE.


    • Hey Ben, I’ll have to do post on how I built the survival slingshot for you. Too many details to add here. I’ll get it done for you soon!

      Thanks for stopping by!


      • Ben

        Thanks a lot would really appreciate that. I have been looking for something like this for quite a while now. Your design is the best I have seen. Really like its portability and stability. Thanks again.


  13. Pingback: Deconstructing My Survival Slingshot | Survival Sherpa

  14. Nate Hunagel

    I purchased Dave’s Sling Bow and take down arrow kit for my bug out bag. Used them with success on small game. A very good ( stealth ) secondary mean’s of a hunting weapon.


  15. Nate Hunagel

    I had forgot to mention Dave offer’s a fishing reel attachment for the Sling Bow, FYI.


  16. crazy2medic

    When my nephew was stationed in Iraq I had the oppertunity to talk with him, he told me the locals would throw rocks at them, not little rocks but rocks the size of a medium to large potato, because of the rules of engagement they couldn’t shoot the offenders, he stated one of the guys in his unit suffered a broken arm from the rock throwing, told him I had a solution, I went and bought him a slingshot like the one above, then mailed him said slingshot with a bag of large marbles. While out doing a patrol a group of local young men began throwing rocks at them, one of the guys in my nephews unit used the slingshot and a marble on a rock thrower, hit him square in the chest and dropped said rock thrower to his knees,the rest scattered like quail, nephew said after that nobody threw rocks at his unit while they were there!


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  20. perfect for spring carp shooting from my kayak…..BTW marbles are $1 for a bag of 50 at Dollar Tree….lot of stuff in that store for our purposes


  21. What a clever way of getting more from your slingshot. I’ve always been a fan of slingshots since I was a boy. I’m looking into learning archery so that I can provide for my family if something should ever happen. But in the meantime, as an alternative, this would work in a pinch. Thanks for the ideas!


    • I shoot my survival sling shot in the same manner as my bow. I pull to my anchor point, the corner of my mouth, and release.

      Archery is a skill worth learning now. Even if you never harvest an animal with stick and string, you’ll enjoy this challenge of this primitive weapon.

      Thanks for sharing!


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  24. mike

    guess yall had shelter life’s go to the stores and buy wrist rocket’s
    slingshot,,, my own mother can hit a cat @ 75 ft ..I gave her lead shots, that dad made when I was young from 50 cal lead molds
    for making ammo for black powder pistols..as a welder he even
    made a slingshot out of rebar,,, using my old bicycle tie tube for the
    rubber and used small pipe clamps to secure it to the rebar….
    and I used palmetto stems as arrows to kill quail and dove….
    when I was 10yrs old….but the cats mom was hitting wasn’t a house
    cat,,,, what she describe to dad and me it was 2ft high and 3ft long
    holy crap mom that’s a panther,,, light tan, big face,,long tail,,
    well that was in the early 1970’s…people just used the o thinkolater
    you can inprovise…think when our grand parents had to do back


  25. Pingback: A DiY Survival Sling Shot with Big Game Capabilities | The Homestead Survival

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  29. Lane Ali Michael

    You can put a flash light into the ‘fish line’ tube for hunting at night.


  30. Lane Ali Michael

    maybe a Laser pointer also.


  31. Pingback: 18 Simple Do-It-Yourself Projects For Preppers | Urban Survival Site

  32. Pingback: 14 Easy Homemade DIY Slingshot Ideas - DIY Crafts

  33. Pingback: 12 Cool DIY Slingshot Ideas

  34. Pingback: 12 δροσερές ιδέες για DIY Slingshot - Ιστολόγιο

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