A Handcrafted Bushcraft Journal Giveaway for Your Journey to Self Reliance

by Todd Walker

Here’s a reader appreciation giveaway!

[The giveaway is over as of 7/3/2014. Thank you to all who participated and support our blog!]

A Handcrafted Bushcraft Journal Giveaway for Your Journey to Self Reliance


I’m learning leather craft as one of my Doing the Stuff skills this year. This is my second leather journal I’ve made and want to give it away!

Dirt Road Girl and I want to say thank you for all the support you’ve shown to our family over the last two years on our blog. One person will win this rugged bushcraft journal.

I custom-made this journal cover with hand stitched waxed tread to fit over a Wood Grain Compass Rose Journal from Barnes and Noble – which was made in China but the cover is 100% American Made! Once you’ve filled this journal, simple replace it with another journal to continue documenting your journey to self-reliance and preparedness.

A Handcrafted Bushcraft Journal Giveaway for Your Journey to Self Reliance

The Compass Rose Journal insert on the left

A Handcrafted Bushcraft Journal Giveaway for Your Journey to Self Reliance

A closer look at the journal package

How To Enter

To be eligible to win, you must be a legal resident of the U.S.A. Apologies to our readers in other countries. We are only able to ship to a U.S. address. To enter, click on the Rafflecopter link at the bottom of this post. You have 4 options to enter the giveaway:

1.) “Like” our Facebook page

2.) “Follow” us on Twitter

3.) Tweet about the giveaway


4.) Leave a comment on this blog post.

I know not all of you do social media. That’s why we added #4. If that’s you, just write “Keep Doing the Stuff!” in the comment section below to enter the giveaway.


It’s not required that you choose all four of these options, but you may if you’d like. Oh, spread the word and thanks for Sharing the Stuff!

The giveaway will begin June 26, 2014 at 12:00 AM and end July 3, 2014 at 12:00 AM. Once Rafflecopter randomly selects the winner, I will announce the winner on our blog and social media accounts. I will also contact you via Facebook, Twitter, and/or email. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours of the close of this giveaway, a second winner will be chosen.

DRG and I wish each of you the best of luck and look forward to give one lucky reader this custom leather journal.

Enter by Clicking the Link Below

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Keep Doing the Stuff,


P.S. – You can also keep up with the Stuff we’re Doing on TwitterPinterestGoogle +, and our Facebook page… and over at the Doing the Stuff Network on PinterestGoogle +, and Facebook.

P.P.S – If you find value in our blog, Dirt Road Girl and I would appreciate your vote on Top Prepper Sites! You can vote daily by clicking here or on the image below. Check out all the other value-adding sites while you’re there…

Thanks for Sharing the Stuff!

Copyright: Content on this site (unless the work of a third-party) may be shared freely in digital form, in part or whole, for non-commercial use with a link back to this site crediting the author. All links in articles must remain intact as originally posted in order to be republished. If you are interested a third-party article, please contact the author directly for republishing information.

Categories: Bushcraft, Doing the Stuff, Self-reliance | Tags: , , , | 79 Comments

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79 thoughts on “A Handcrafted Bushcraft Journal Giveaway for Your Journey to Self Reliance

  1. That thing is the bomb, and I would LOVE to own one! Kudos to you on your skill, brother!


  2. MI Patriot

    I think you should autograph it as well. So we can all Keep Doing the Stuff.


  3. Tammy

    I’d love to have this, especially since it’s handmade!!!


  4. Kristy Jennings

    Super cool – very nice craftsmanship! I really like what you and DRG do 🙂


  5. RoyG

    Keep doing the stuff….. really enjoy and learn alot from your blog and emails.. thanks for taking the time to enlighten us a little every week.


  6. Bobbi Roberts

    Keep doing the stuff! Just love the stuff!


  7. Wow, you never cease to amaze me with all your great info & skills! What a beautiful journal! Thanks for the opportunity to win one!


  8. Keep Doing The Stuff!

    I am new to your site (following for the last few weeks). My goal this year for doing the stuff was to finally learn canning. Might still be on the agenda but my daughter and I took up archery this week (she is 8). Wasn’t on the mental to do list, but it now is front and center in our lives! She is already talking about when she can go out and hunt!

    Thanks for the inspiration to get out there and do the stuff!


    • Awesome, Tina! My seven year old grandson is getting into archery and other self-reliance skills. Our next project is to make a bow for him out of a hickory limb from our neighbor’s yard. Never made a self bow but looking forward to it!


  9. Abi

    This is really cool! And I need a journal to write all my somewhat poetry haha


  10. Cade

    I know from making leather ammo pouches this thing is made to last! Nothing beats American made leather products, especially if their hand made!!


  11. Matt F.

    Cool. Looks great, Todd! It would make a nice addition to anyone’s gear.


  12. Judith Miles

    Sweet….“Keep Doing the Stuff!”


  13. like it, thanx for chance


  14. Julie

    Todd, beautiful! I’m so impressed with your new skill. Keep Doing the Stuff! You’re real good at it. 😉


  15. Looks amazing! Too bad I’m in Canada ;).


  16. lexie

    Wow, that is really cool. What a rare and neat gift.


  17. Tommy Branch

    keep doing stuff. Thanks too


  18. Keep it up


  19. Keep up the good work.great prizes


  20. Sarah

    That looks like a great journal, I dabbled in leather working when I was 12. Think it’s time to start up again. Thank you again for this great contest.


  21. Keep doing the Stuff!!! Thanks for the opportunity!


  22. Matthew Weaver

    Very nice work and so cool of you to give one away!


  23. Eric

    keep doing the stuff!


  24. brandi

    would love to win one of these


  25. RA Mioni

    Keep up the good work!


  26. Cort

    Keep doing great work!!


  27. Pingback: Sick of Ticks? Take Brad Paisley’s Advice | Survival Sherpa

  28. Loren Scghaefer

    Keep Doing the Stuff!


  29. Walt Foster

    Keep doing great stuff!!!


  30. What a beautiful job you did and I really wanna win. I wish myself luck. Do you sell them?


    • Thanks, Dara! We haven’t really considered selling them. We’re not set up to sell them as a business. I’ll let ya know if we decide to sell stuff though. 🙂


  31. Steve

    Keep Doing the Stuff!!!!!!!!!


  32. Keep doing the stuff


  33. Kori edwards

    Keep doing the stuff


  34. “Keep Doing the Stuff!”
    I am new to your site and it is very impressive. Just beginning to really get into doing things the good old fashioned way and love it. Did not think of starting a journal but will now. Looking forward to following you.


  35. Mike

    Keep doing the stuff! That it’s some awesome work. You are an inspiration to lots of us.


  36. samantha

    This is gorgeous would love to win


  37. cindyzs

    what a very nice, handsome, lovely (dont want to offend with the wrong words, lol) journal!! i have been trying to get my g-son to journal, but he kinda thinks it is girl thing…i think giving thi to him would really change his mind. of course i would love to have it for myself, but we sacrifice for those we love 🙂 thanks for the chance and all you do and teach 🙂


    • Tell him it ain’t a dairy, it’s a man journal! 🙂

      Thanks for entering and your kind words!


      • cindyzs

        i have tried to tell him it inst a diary it is a journal!! he’s 12 so, lol…. been trying to get him to journal for a long time………he has a very wise soul and very creative! if I win, I think this would help change his mind 🙂 thanks for answering me!


  38. Brenna Pappert

    this is so cool. I’m not that creative.


  39. BL

    Keep doing the stuff! Thanks for doing all the hard work of helping us acquire the needed skills. Enjoy your blogs!


  40. Celia

    Keep doing The Stuff!


  41. Shauna

    I love this!!! I hope I win!


  42. Conrad Kovash

    Keep Doing the Stuff!


  43. Dee Jay

    The tick tools work! Journal is nicely done – who ever wins will be blessed to own it. 🙂


  44. As always, Todd, your work is an inspiration! Not only would it be a beautiful addition to my tools, it just might get me to do something with the leather I have!
    Keep Doing the Stuff!


  45. Pingback: Sick of Ticks? Take Brad Paisley’s Advice | Wide Awake America

  46. Pingback: Sick of Ticks? Take Brad Paisley’s Advice | A laugh, a joke, a smile and a chuckle

  47. Keep doing the stuff! Love your journal.


  48. Adrienne

    I did leather work for awhile. It’s a lot of fun. And………..I’ve never met a notebook I didn’t want.

    Having said that, I just wanted to let you know how beautiful it is.

    Buuuuut – I’m in the throes of decluttering (not that your notebook would be clutter) and so I don’t want you to enter me in the drawing.

    I have leather notebooks and I would rather you’re beautiful one go to someone who may not have one. 🙂


  49. Heather

    This is so nice! I have a 16 year old son who is really in to survival and the outdoors. He spent his birthday money on a tomahawk and Bowie knife. He would love this!


  50. Nick

    Awesome workmanship. Thanks for the giveaway and Keep Doing the Stuff!


  51. Crystal

    Keep doing the stuff. That looks awesome. Looks like your doing the stuff well.


  52. April

    Keep doing the stuff… Beautiful journal.


  53. Ali

    Love this!!!!!


  54. Mary

    Keep up the good work! I’ve learned a great deal from you 🙂 thanks!


  55. stephanie

    Keep doing the stuff- Beautiful! I would love to win:)


  56. that is amazing work for a second attempt


  57. Keep Doing the Stuff!


  58. Adam Holland

    Looks great! Wow.


  59. Sondra Lee

    Keep doing the stuff! Great job


  60. I’m pretty sure I’ve already got the first three requirements satisfied except posting this to my timeline…


  61. Fab looking journal. I want one 🙂 *fingerscrossed


  62. Jaclyn Reynolds

    Keep doing the stuff!


  63. Pingback: Sick of Ticks? Take Brad Paisley’s Advice | The Daily Sheeple

  64. This is a glorious creation. Just saying.


  65. Wonderful idea, and looks terrific too.


  66. Nicole Mecham

    Very, very happy to have stumbled on your blog today. I definitely needed it. I am very inspired by you and your work! Keep doing the stuff. 🙂


  67. Pingback: Sick of Ticks? Take Brad Paisley’s Advice | Ready Nutrition

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