Carry Tools of Protection, ALWAYS!

by Todd Walker

Just got back from a little R&R with the Dirt Road Girl. Very refreshing!

I just checked my news sources and learned about the shooting at the Batman screening. What a senseless tragedy. Sympathies and prayers to the families and survivors.

Let the gun grabbing begin. Each time a crazed moron goes on a shooting rampage, talking heads do what they do and call for disarming the general public. Only police should carry deadly weapons. The over-reaction has begun. Expect TSA style gropings coming to a theater near you. It’s for our ‘safety’ citizens. The sad part is that many welcome and want this kind of ‘security’. Rainbows and candy canes all around. That’s why I don’t watch any TV news.


While on our little get-away, DRG and I spent every morning and evening walking on the beach. We’re not huge sun worshipers for medical reasons. We do l0ve the ocean and sand. Doesn’t this pose a problem with concealed carry? Nope. I was packing when we kicked the waves washing on shore, fished off the pier, and picked up seashells. We joke about me carrying at times. But, you never know.

I bought DRG a pocket pistol a few years ago for Christmas. She thought they were ‘cute’. I have to agree. However, after shooting the Ruger LCP, she decided to stick with her revolver. I inherited the little gun… dang it! We call her “Lucy”. She’s easy to conceal in a pocket or inside a waist line. With the right amount of cleavage, a bra might work. She accompanies me everywhere I’m legally able to bring my little friend – like the beach. [Don’t forget to clean thoroughly after exposure to salt water atmosphere]

I don’t patronize businesses that proudly sport their “Gun Free” signs. Private property is private property and I will respect their wishes by not going inside. Here’s the exception: I have to leave Lucy at home when I go to my teaching job. It’s a weapon free zone; a.k.a. “Victim Zone.” I wondered how the shooter was able to do so much damage in a packed theater. I’m sure there had to be a few concealed permit holders there. Why didn’t they produce their weapon and ventilate the mad man? Oh, the theater is a “Gun Free Zone.” Like me, permit holders a law abiding clan. I guess the shooter didn’t see the sign.

Please don’t take that last statement as making light of this deadly encounter. I’m simply saying that we all have to make a choice and have a plan for the worst case scenarios. For me and mine, I choose to be armed at all times. My weakest point is in the classroom. I feel naked in school. Naked is good in a few situations, but not when it comes to a preparedness plan for self-defense. Leaving ‘education’ again is a pot on the front burner of my brain. There are many ingredients in the pot that make for the soup of change in my life. The ‘victim zone’ issue is only one of them.

Guns are tools. Keep them in your preparedness tool box and on your person… ALWAYS!


Keep Doing the Stuff of Self-Reliance,


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Categories: Firearms, Preparedness, Self Defense, Self-reliance, Shooting/Marksmanship | Tags: , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

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6 thoughts on “Carry Tools of Protection, ALWAYS!

  1. TexasScout

    I don’t know where you are located, but here in Texas, you MUST have a “30.06” (refers to the statute) sign posted at the entrance of the building to LEGALY prohibit carry on the premissis. There are VERY specific laws as to the size of the sign AND the size and style of the letters. Anything else (like the sign you show in your blog post), is not leagly binding… at least in Texas.


    • A private business can ask you to leave if your carrying a firearm and you MUST comply so long as someone in person asked you to leave who is the owner or an agent of the owner (security guard at the mall), if you choose not to leave after being asked to do so, you can be charged with criminal trespassing. You cannot however be charged with any firearms violation for carrying into a business that has a sign out side, there is no law in my state that says a sign is as good as an in-person warning at a private business or residence.


      • TexasScout

        This is also true, however, of you are truly carrying “concealed”, how would they know to ask you?


  2. TexasScout

    BTW, I just found out that the entire town of Arorra is a “gun free zone” by order of the city council.


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