Dirt Road Girl Update, Second Opinions, and Guest Posts

One week after visiting with our new doctor and I’m still in shock from what he told us.

We weren’t happy with our previous doctor’s care. We finally got a second opinion from a doctor who specializes in lung cancer.

I hate waiting for the doctor to show up to make his entrance. After an hour of waiting, he walks in, introduces himself, and gets down to the business at hand. After studying all the scans we brought him for an hour, he looked at DRG and said…

“There is no cancer in your lung to treat.”


I’m stunned. How could that be. Our other doctor read the scans and said she couldn’t really tell due to the swelling caused by all the radiation and chemo in her lung.

You’d think I’d be doing happy dances everyday. I’m guessing the news will eventually sink in. We’re not out of the woods yet. She still has cancer cells floating around in her body that will land at some point new doc told us. Until then, DRG will go for scans every three months.

Another interesting thing about getting a second opinion, which I highly recommend. He’s an expert in the rare strain of cancer DRG has. He told us that all the radiation and chemo was really not necessary for this strain of cancer. Our other doctor didn’t test to determine the strain until five months after she was diagnosed and lots of chemo and radiation. A pill that blocks the protein that this stain feeds on is all that she needed to be taking. Wow! Get second opinions. They’re practicing medicine.

I wanted to share that news with those who have given so many words of encouragement and prayers on DRG’s behalf.

We’re taking a mini vacation to celebrate next week. I’ll be updating the blog daily with scheduled posts. So, if you’d like to submit a guest post that would be appropriate for our readers, please do so via email.

Thanks so much for all the real people who have supported us through the past year in DRG’s journey! We love and appreciate y’all!

Keep doing the stuff,





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11 thoughts on “Dirt Road Girl Update, Second Opinions, and Guest Posts

  1. vikki

    That is great news! Enjoy your trip.


  2. great news! enjoy your trip!


  3. that is fantastic news, God is good!


  4. So glad to hear the good news for your family. Enjoy your time together.

    Thanks for all you do.



  5. God bless you and yours, bro, that’s awesome.


  6. I am so thrilled to hear this! Best wishes to you both and I hope you have a wonderful celebration!

    ~ Daisy


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