Life Learners: Unschooling the Prepper Community

by Todd Walker

I have to sit through meeting after boring meeting with fellow teachers, administrators, and highly paid “educational experts” and listen to the same old stuff, just in a different burning brown bag on my doorstep.

We huddle together to discuss…

“How do we get standardized test scores up – barring the Atlanta School System‘s methods?”

“How do we improve discipline?”

“Why aren’t parents doing more to help at home?”

In case you are not yet aware of the truth about government schooling, let me say it as clearly as possible…the system is not broken and doesn’t need reform. Once you come to this realization, the busy work and babysitting, the high-stakes testing, the regime-like control and surveillance, the hyper-allegiance and submission to authority, the path of dumbing-down becomes an open conspiracy. Cheating is not only tolerated, but it keeps the system healthy. This was a life-changing Aha Moment for me. I see clearly now.

The de-zombification process for some people happens first through their eyes. Text travels to the brain – rattles around – and your true nature verifies what you just read. Sometimes your intuition (your knower – “something ain’t right whisperer”) provokes you to further investigation. In my case, it was my knower’s constant nagging – reminiscent of Wife #1.

Do I really think that cheating takes place in every government-run school? YES!

While not every school or system has engaged in erasing bubble sheets behind doors with posted guards, forced institutional schooling cheats every student. The recent Atlanta cheating scandal pales in comparison to the rest of the ice burg hidden below the murky waters of coercive schooling.

Here’s how your child gets cheated by attending school.

  • Creativity is squashed
  • Lots of boring facts with no real-world application
  • Forced “friendship” with people you don’t like
  • Critical thing
  • Self-discovery is damned. There’s not a moment in the day where they can sit privately and contemplate.
  • Academically. We have to teach in the middle to low range to make it fair for everyone in the lesson. This bores kids who need a more challenging lesson. And it’s disheartening to those who learn slower. But there is genius in every student. There’s just no time for them to develop in the classroom.
  • All work and no play

If government schooling is so great, why does it have to be forced upon us? Hum….

I’ve addressed the question here, here, and here.

The most overlooked threat in the prepper community is…

Centralized forced schooling. The products of these institutional zombie factories out number self-reliant, preparedness individuals by a very wide margin. Zombie hunters, should the SHTF flag actually be raised, will be overwhelmed.

Solutions? There are no easy ones. Hard choices have to be made by parents wishing to escape the zombified matrix.

My number one option I’ve given to desperate parents seeking asylum and sanctuary from the gulags is to disobey the societal norms and unschool their children. The earlier, the better.

If you’ve got children with a few years of indoctrination and obedience training already, open their cage so they can follow their own self-directed, free-range educational journey. This doesn’t mean your little ones won’t have any direction or guidance from you and other knowledgable adults. It’s just that they now have the freedom to discover, experiment, test, play, and decide what’s worth learning.

Preppers Already Practice Unschooling

Adult preppers are great examples of self-directed learners. We’re not seated in cramped chairs with artificial lighting, forced associations, a set curriculum with an “expert” teaching us what we could care less about. Instead, we pick what we’re passionate about and meaningful learning occurs. We discover, what every school-aged child most desires – but can’t realize because of the school-funk, that learning for the sake of learning is fun.

In school, it’s just the opposite. Just when Johnny connects with a real teacher and sees value in the math lesson, the bell tolls and sends him on to a much less appealing grammar lesson. Does he need to know what an onomatopoeia is? Maybe, but not until he needs to.

Do you remember any rote lessons that didn’t interest you during your tour of duty in school? How about now? Same answer, right?

Useful stuff happens when we’re allowed to pursue our own self-interest.

Yesterday, by chance, Dirt Road Girl and I met a gentleman that works for a local timber frame company. I struck up a conversation and invited ourselves over to see the operation. He seemed genuinely glad to see my interest in his craft. After our new friend gave us the tour, I made a proposal to come and help out (free of charge) on my summer break. I explained my skill level in carpentry and general construction and expressed my desire to learn. There may be an apprenticeship brewing for me.

This is the traditional method to learn anything new. Find an expert in the field that interest you and learn from them.

Many of you are balking at the thought of allowing your child to unschool. The chief objections I’ve heard are:

  • That’s illegal in my state. Unschooling falls under homeschooling and is legal in all 50 states.
  • My kids need to be socialized to be able to function in the real world. Traditional schools only allow kids to socialize with peers in their same age group and a few adults viewed as authority figures. Is that real-world socialization? Not quite.
  • Where will they get their books and materials? Again, welcome to the digital age. The online world is where kids hangout. With a little direction, maybe not any, they can find info on anything they want to learn. The internet has the potential to make government schools obsolete.

Preparedness minded people seek out learning opportunities to further their prepping skills via the Internet, books, seminars, and experts in certain fields of study – without being forced to do so. Why? They’re following their self-interest. As a result, their education adds value to them, their family, community, and society. Personal preparedness and fulfillment also follows self-directed learning.

Do you see life and learning as the same thing?

I’m already working on my Ph.D. in self-sufficiency through interest-led unschooling. What are you studying? Beekeeping, permaculture, bushcrafting, wildcrafting, animal husbandry, aquaponics, bartering, security, blacksmithing, herbal remedies, alternative energy, food preservation? Share your best unschooling sources for preppering. We’d love to hear what you’re interested in and how you learn.

DRG and I want to thank each of you for taking time to visit us. One way we could really use your help is by you sharing this with your friends. If you’re on Twitter, be sure to look me up @SurvivalSherpa

Categories: Government "Education", Preparedness | Tags: , , | 9 Comments

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9 thoughts on “Life Learners: Unschooling the Prepper Community

  1. MI Patriot

    If you want to know what your children are really learning in public schools, look no further than something called Common Core. This was rolled out with no testing and no local input in 46 states and D.C. No field testing, no local input, no teachers involved. Just the lettered people of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (the ones who believe in population control via vaccines and eugenics), The Walton Family Foundation, and a myriad of other foundations and big pocket donors. The curriculum is all the same. No matter where you live, your child will be learning the same thing as the schools in another state. The high-stakes testing is called high stakes for a reason. If teachers have classes that do not test well, the teachers can lose their jobs. The lessons are taught to a rigid standard and no deviation is allowed. Check out Common Core online. Then start lobbying your state legislators to start working on pulling out from Common Core. This was given to the states that wanted Race to the Top funding and to get a waiver from No Child Left Behind. To get the money, states had to agree to Obama’s lessons. Arne Duncan tied title I funding to Common Core. No Common Core, no title I funding. Title I money is money that schools get when their student body is under the federal poverty level.

    This is even scarier than what they teach now because it is a one-size fits all. Our schools are heading towards socialism. We don’t need eugenicists telling us what our kids need to learn, we don’t need deep pocketed foundations and other people telling us what our kids need to know. This goes along with what Rush calls the “public screwels.” This rates right up there with the basic thread of Sherpa’s post.


    • MI, the Common Core is rotten to it’s core. Our state is already gearing up to implement this one-size-fits-all craziness. You’re right, the devil is in the details. Unsuspecting moms and dads and their babies will feel the hammer as the state pounds their round-pegged children into the system’s square holes.

      Thanks again for your concern and comment.


  2. Maureen Angiuli

    Appreciate this article alot, wish I could go back in time to when my children where young, I would have chosen homeschooling for everyone of them! Their current ‘self-taught’ knowledge and skill sets far outweigh their ‘from public school’ knowledge. Going to share this! Thanks for your efforts!


    • Thank you Maureen. I’m glad you found value in it. While none of us can go back in time, we can definitely do things differently today and tomorrow.


  3. Pingback: A post worth sharing: Life Learners: Unschooling the Prepper Community | The Wise Prepper

  4. Pingback: The Art of Persuasion: Present One Improved Unit at a Time | Survival Sherpa

  5. I am so blessed to have been homeschooling our boys from the beginning. They’ve never been to school and I’m thankful that I didn’t chicken out on homeschooling when my oldest was approaching school age. Thankfully, I had a few homeschooling friends who really encouraged me that I could do it (homeschool). We moved to unschooling in the last few months. My oldest just turned 8 and unschooling fits both of us very well. He has a curious mind and is self-motivated to learn the things that he wants to learn. I try to say yes to whatever it is that he wants to learn. He became interested in learning to play the piano because his friend taught him a tune on his piano. So, I found a free piano in good condition on craigslist and now he is learning piano (in a very informal but effective way). Whenever I have a chance to encourage someone who might be interested in homeschooling or who is stressed out with homeschooling, I always encourage them to read Learning All the Time by John Holt. That book was the tipping point. I threw my arms up in the air and jumped with wild abandonment into unschooling. Unschooling is also a faith thing for us too — I pray that God would lead our learning according to His will.


  6. Reblogged this on Crunchy Mama Homeschools Her Boys and commented:
    Great post on unschooling! See my comment at the end.


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