3 Skills that Cover a Multitude of Survival Sins

by Todd Walker

From the biblical perspective, sin is “missing the mark.” In wilderness survival, not hitting your target in one skill doesn’t have to mean certain death. However, fall short in these three critical survival skills, and, dude, you’re screwed!

3 Skills that Cover a Multitude of Survival Sins - TheSurvivalSherpa.com

You may not get a second chance to see your family again if you can’t stay warm and hydrated. Having the ability to regulate body temperature brings redemption.

Cold and Wet: The Perfect Storm

Your body does a remarkable job regulating core temperature. However, add moisture to the equation, drop the temperature slightly, and you’ve got a perfect storm for hypothermia.

Water saps body heat 25 times faster than air. And 70 to 80% of your body heat is lost through your head and neck. The remaining heat loss goes through your fingers, hands, and feet. The simple act of breathing in cold air and expelling warm air will chill your body.

A slight change in core temp, even by a degree or two, will affect your bodily functions. Shivering, lack of coordination, slurred speech, and numbness in the extremities are signs of hypothermia. Decrease to 91.4ºF (33ºC) and you lose consciousness. Complete muscle failure occurs at 82.4ºF (28ºC).

Core Temperature Equipment

This article is not addressing wilderness living skills or long-term self-reliance. We’re talking about staying alive in an unexpected stay in the woods. You can’t very well pursue long-term stuff if you’re not equipped to survive the short-term storm. And, by storm, I mean – when you need immediate help and none is available – in a wilderness setting.

The first step to being equipped is to always carry equipment. No matter how many debris huts you’ve built, you’d be a stupid survivalist, and possibly a dead one, to not pack some sort of emergency shelter option, fire kit, metal container, cordage, and a knife.

Below is my emergency kit I carry no matter how long I plan to be in the woods.

  • Emergency Space Blanket ~ The best 12 ounce item in my kit for core temperature control. I also carry two contractor grade garbage bag and a painter’s tarp  – too many uses to mention here.
  • Fire Kit ~ Three different ignition sources which I’m comfortable using – open flame (Bic lighter), spark ignition (ferro rod), solar ignition (magnifying lens), sure fire (diy and commercial), duct tape, and a bit of dry tinder material.
  • Knife ~ There is no such thing as “The Best Survival Knife”. Beware of the marketer’s hype surrounding these ultimate survival tools.
  • Metal Container ~ A metal water bottle can be used to boil water, make char cloth, cook meals, and perform self-aid duties.
  • Cordage ~ I carry both 550 paracord and tarred mariners line.

These items are my bare bones kit and go with me camping, hiking, backpacking, and hunting. Don’t think you’ll ever need these kit items? Think again. Read this real-life survival story of an injured hunter in the Idaho wilderness.

Core Temperature Control Skills

Conserving body heat is the key to survival. Your body produces heat from biochemical reactions in cells, exercise, and eating. Without a furry coating like lower animals, insulation to maintain a body temperature at 98.6 degrees F is critical.

It all starts with…

Skill #1 ~ Shelter

Sins of Sheltering: Not carrying an emergency space blanket and wearing improper clothing.

While having an emergency space blanket is important, your shelter is built before you ever step over the door sill of your warm and cozy home. Your clothes are your first layer of shelter.

Thermal energy always travels from warm/hot (your body) to cool/cold (the environment). To trap body heat, layer your clothing. Layers create dead air space much like the insulation in house walls and attics. Layering is activity-dependent. But the basic concept applies to any outdoor cold weather activity.

Here’s my layer system…

A.) Base Layer ~Your base layer should fit snuggly to your body. Long sleeve shirt and underwear made of polyester blend for wicking perspiration away from my body. Sock liners go on first before wool socks. Thin wool glove liners are worn inside my larger leather mittens.

B.) Insulation ~ Yes, I wear cotton, and sometimes fleece, on top of the base layer. This is dependent upon my activity. If I’m really active in really cold weather, I wear a wool sweater. Wool is my favorite insulation layer. Here’s why…

  • Wool fiber absorbs up to 36% of its weight and gradually releases moisture through evaporation.
  • Wool has natural antibacterial properties that allow you wear it multiply days without stinking up camp. Not so with synthetics.
  • Wool wicks moisture, not as well as synthetics, but better than cotton.
  • Wool releases small amounts of heat as it absorbs moisture.
  • Wool contains thousands of natural air-trapping pockets for breathable insulation.

Remembering the importance of dead air space, your insulation layer should fit loosely and be breathable. Apply the acronym C.O.L.D. to your insulating layer…

  1. C – Keep CLEAN
  2. O – Avoid OVERHEATING
  3. L – Wear loose LAYERS to create dead air space
  4. D – Keep DRY

C.) Outer Layer ~ Waterproof is not your friend. Yes, it will keep rain and wetness out, but it will also seal perspiration in eventually soaking your insulation. Wear a weather-resistant shell that allows moisture to escape. The main concern for this layer is to block wind.

Your head, hands, and feet are included in this layer. I’m partial to wool hats to keep my bald head warm. In subzero temps, I wear my shapka, a Russian red fox winter hat, I bought in Siberia in the early 90’s.

Cold feet are deceptive. Frostbite can happen before you know the damage is done. Wear polyester sock liners with wool socks inside your footwear of choice.

3 Skills that Cover a Multitude of Survival Sins - TheSurvivalSherpa.com

Our local BSA troop learning how to set up an emergency tarp shelter.

3 Skills that Cover a Multitude of Survival Sins - TheSurvivalSherpa.com

A cheap painter’s painter’s tarp creates a micro-climate with a fire burning in front. See the Mors Kochanski Super Shelter below…

D.) Waterproof Shelter ~ Again, for emergency essentials, you can’t beat a good space blanket to block wind, rain, and reflect heat back to your body. Combined with a plastic painter’s tarp, a Kochanski Super Shelter can keep you warm in subzero condition in street clothes.

Use two large contractor garbage bags filled with leaves, wet or dry, for an insulating ground pad. This emergency shelter weighs ounces but offers pounds of insurance against a long cold night in the woods.

There are many more options for waterproof covering. The above items are for your emergency kit.

Skill #2 ~ Fire Craft

Sins of Fire Craft: Not carrying multiple ignition sources and all-weather fire starters.

Fire covers a multitude of ‘sins’ in your survival skills. Even if you deliberately commit the offense of not packing emergency shelter, fire forgives your lapse in judgement. Scantily clad in the wilderness? Fire covers your wrongdoing. No matter how you “miss the mark” in skills or equipment, fire can save you.

If you’ve spent any amount of time in the woods I’m sure you’ve heard Mother Nature humming these classic lyrics…

“… Like it always seems to go, you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.”

Are you a fair-weather fire crafter?

That’s a good place to start. Nothing wrong with learning in the most fire-friendly conditions. You’ve got dry tinder, kindling, and fuel to burn. This may not be the case when your life depends on making fire in the wind, rain, and snow.

Cheating is NOT a Sin

There is absolutely no such thing as cheating when it comes to building a life-sustaining fire. Who cares what Bushcraft purists think! Your loved ones aren’t worried about style points in fire craft. They want you home alive. So cheat!

For the weekend camper or woodsman, carry these foul weather fire cheats…

Fire Cheat #1 ~ Ask yourself this question, “Could a five-year-old start a fire with my emergency fire kit?” Don’t get too bushcrafty. I know  ferrocerium rods are popular, but you can’t beat a thumb drill fire (Bic lighter) when you really need fire.

Fire Cheat #2 ~ One of the most overlooked fire starters that should already be in your pack is duct tape. Loosely wad up about 2 foot of tape and ignite it with an open flame. A ferrocerium rod will ignite duct tape but don’t rely on sparks. You have to shred the tape to create lots of surface area. This isn’t your best option if your fingers are losing dexterity in freezing temperatures.

Fire Cheat #3 ~ DiY fire starters made of wax-soaked jute twine or cotton makeup remover pads. I also carry commercially made sure fire that will burn on water.

Fire Cheat #4 ~ Always carry enough dry tinder material to start a fire in sucky weather.

Fire Cheat #5 ~ Know where to find the best possible tinder material and how to process it to create surface area. Dead hanging branches, pencil lead size to pencil size, provide kindling even in the rain.

Fire Cheat #6 ~ Fat lighter’d (aka – fatwood, resin-rich pine wood) is my lifesaver in the south. Discover your best natural fire starter wherever you’re located or plan to travel. I keep this stuff in all my kits. It’s abundant where I live.

Fire Cheat #7 ~ Dry wood is available in all weather conditions if you know where to look. Standing dead Tulip Poplar (Magnolia) is one of my go-to fire resources. The trick to getting to the dry wood is splitting the wood down to tinder, kindling, and fuel size material. The inner bark makes excellent tinder bundles!

Post #500: The One Stick Fire Challenge

One 2 inch diameter stick of tulip poplar made all this: L to R: Thumb, pencil, pencil lead, and bark tinder

And that brings us to the next skill that forgives survival sins…

Skill #3: Knife Skills

A knifeless man is a lifeless man.

The “survival” knife market is full of gadgetry. Gadgets are for gawkers. You don’t need a Rambo knife to survive. You just need a solid knife and some skill. 

Carry a good knife and practice with what you carry. Your knife may become your one-tool-option. Most importantly, your knife should feel right in your hand as you use it.

Knife Sins: Carrying a knife but never becoming competent with your blade.

You’re not going to be carving spoons and bowls in a short-term survival situation. Your edged tool will be used to make shelter and fire to control core temperature. I’ve written about the number 1 knife skill here.

Have Knife, Will Burn

Even if you’ve committed the first two survival sins, your blade can save you. A knife in skilled hands can create fire from scratch. I don’t rely on friction fire as my first choice but do practice the skill in case I run into unknown unknowns.

With my buddy Bic in my pocket, I still need to process sticks to make fire quick. Both the cutting edge and spine of your knife are used to create surface area needed for ignition.

When cold and wet, your fine motor skills are probably suffering. Pretty feather sticks are for style points. Style won’t save you. Fire will!

Split a dead wrist-size stick with a baton and knife into thumb size pieces to get to the dry stuff. Split a few of those pieces into smaller kindling. Grip your knife with a reverse grip (cutting edge facing up) and use the spine of your knife to scrape a pile of fine shavings off one of the larger split sticks. If you’ve got fat lighter’d, scrape off a pile of shavings the size of a golf ball. Ignite this pile with a lighter or ferro rod and feed your fire its meal plan.

Here’s a demo of a one stick fire in the rain…

Knife and Shelter

Debris shelters can be built without a knife. Sticks can be broken to length between two trees without a cutting tool. Keep in mind that this type of shelter will take several hours and lots of calories to construct correctly.

The role of the knife in emergency shelter building is secondary compared to its importance in making fire. You won’t even need a knife to set up a space blanket shelter if you prepped your emergency kit ahead of time.

Blades are expedient in cutting cordage, notching sticks, harvesting green bows for bedding, making wedges to split larger wood without an ax, and a number of other self-reliance tasks.


All three of these survival skills are needed for emergency core temperature control, but I’d place fire on top of my forgiveness list. Fire can make water potable for hydration, warm poorly clothed pilgrims, cook food to create body heat, smoke signals, illuminate darkness, and comfort the lost.

What’s your top skill for controlling your core temperature? Share if you don’t mind.

Keep Doing the Stuff of Self-Reliance,


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Categories: Bushcraft, Camping, Doing the Stuff, equipment, Gear, Preparedness, Self-reliance, Survival, Survival Education, Survival Skills, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 39 Comments

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39 thoughts on “3 Skills that Cover a Multitude of Survival Sins

  1. Pingback: 3 Skills that Cover a Multitude of Survival Sins - Survivalot

  2. Well done, my friend.


  3. Joecardio

    Sherpa, this was a great article to read. No purist BS, “just the stuff”one would need to know and the bare bones equipment necessary to tough out a night or two in the woods if one had to. I was clad to see you listed various minerals that can be used to set sparks flying. I know from friends they have overloaded pockets with several ferrocium rods to make the sparks, because ‘flint’ is not abundant in our area, however I’ve known for years quartz works ok as well as chert and other minerals too, for setting sparks ablaze, but you only EVER read about flint. That was an invaluable piece of information in your article for readers IMO. Thanks for a great read.


    • Sure appreciate you reading and commenting, Joe! Spark ignition with steel and a sharp rock is on of my favorites. We’ve some chert in our area but not as plentiful as quartzite. Just need a rock that will scrape the metal off the steel.

      Thanks again for the support, bud!


      • You know that agate will work as well. It was known as German Flint during the time when people carried flintlocks. So you can use flint, chert, agate, quartz, and even pyrite. Which makes it easier if you are looking for a rock to start that fire. There are a few others out there that will spark as well I just cannot remember the names off the top of my head.


  4. Very useful post, great tips and informations. Ciao Brother!


  5. Pingback: 3 Skills that Cover a Multitude of Survival Sins | North Carolina Pockets of Resistance

  6. Another great post. I’d urge everyone to get a wool blanket or 2. They’re worth their weight in gold. Can be used for shelter, heat, insulation etc. You can’t go wrong.


  7. Pingback: Prepper News Watch for November 18, 2015 | The Preparedness Podcast

  8. Really like this article! Bare bones, to the point. Thanks for sharing it with us!


  9. Pingback: Monday Musings 11/23/2015 Check Your Preps - Apartment PrepperApartment Prepper

  10. Pingback: Monday Musings 11/23/2015 Check Your Preps - Survival By Preparedness

  11. I have read and re-read this post several times. I think it’s one of the best articles I’ve read in a good ling while. These three skills can and will save a life, and this post has been a great reminder that I need to be practicing them more!


  12. Alfred E. Neuman

    Reblogged this on The Dixie Traveler.


  13. Pingback: 7 Secrets for Burning Sticks in the Rain | Survival Sherpa

  14. Pingback: 7 Secrets for Burning Sticks in the Rain | Prepper's Survival Homestead

  15. Pingback: 7 Secrets for Burning Sticks in the Rain | Freedom Newz

  16. I like the style you have here. I am glad there are like minded other out there sharing these skills.


  17. Pingback: 27 Basecamp Projects Guaranteed to Elevate Skills and Fun in the Woods | Survival Sherpa

  18. Pingback: Best 30 Articles on Survival Skills To Learn Now And Survive Later - Backdoor Prepper

  19. Pingback: Best 30 Articles on Survival Skills To Learn Now And Survive Later | Prepper's Survival Homestead

  20. John Owens

    Good stuff. I already had the big 55 gallon heavy-duty garbage bags in my pack. Hadn’t thought of using the bags to make a pad for insulation, though. I thought of using them for several other things, but not that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • radarphos

      I don’t like garbage bags (not durable enough against sticks). I bought 200 (sold 100 per lot) poly material sand bags with built-in ties. The whole box arrived at 6″H, 20″ L, and 13″ W. They are very light weight.. Can be wrapped around each boot (filled with leaves) and tied for sleeping at night. Here is your pillow. You can fill with leaves, lay on ground and sleep on them without much concern about leaf dust, molds, etc.. Can be filled with dirt/sand for wind-break (or water run-off barrier) walls around your shelter as a fast set up, except possibly winter when ground is frozen (but you could fill them with dry snow that won’t pack easily and create a contained snow-brake wall. Can carry heavy weight for hanging tinder, kindling, etc. for drying, and to keep off ground. Gather nuts, fruit. Can use at home for SHTF-riots, window protection from flying bullets. 2 bags laid side by side will stop bullets (that don’t reach the 2nd sand bag). Tie to stick, over shoulder, carry more stuff when scouting. Warranted 1 year in direct sun (UV protected). I also use around garden mound plots to keep down my invasive weeds. They are rain resistant, but also breath.


  21. Pingback: The Number One Knife Skill for Wilderness Survival and Self-Reliance | Survival Sherpa

  22. Pingback: The Number One Knife Skill for Wilderness Survival and Self-Reliance – The Prepper Dome

  23. Pingback: The Number One Knife Skill for Wilderness Survival and Self-Reliance | Ready Nutrition

  24. Pingback: The Number One Knife Skill for Wilderness Survival and Self-Reliance | TheSurvivalPlaceBlog

  25. Pingback: The Number One Knife Skill for Wilderness Survival and Self-Reliance - Rogue Survivor

  26. Mike

    Thanks for this


  27. Pingback: A Beginner’s Guide to Avoiding Bloated Bushcraft | Survival Sherpa

  28. Pingback: Primitive vs. Modern: The Importance of Keeping Skills in Context | Survival Sherpa

  29. Pingback: Survival Times: A Winter Survival Skill Where Speed Counts | Survival Sherpa

  30. Pingback: Which Camp Kool-Aid Do You Drink? Kit Dogma or Skill Cult? | Survival Sherpa

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