My Top 5 Woods Loafing Lessons

by Todd Walker

My Top 5 Woods Loafing Lessons ~

Photo credit: Bill Reese, Instinct Survivalist

Early on I took to the woods and never outgrew it. Exploring every creek bend, barefooted as the day I born, cane pole in one hand, and one of Mama’s soup cans half-full of hand-dug worms, fishing has never been as fun. Chiggers, aggravating as they are, were no match for my need to be out there. Georgia red clay joined my toes and soul to our woods.

Not much has changed in my mid 50’s. The Monday morning question always comes from a few of my students…

“Mr. Walker, did you go to the woods this weekend?”

“Yup. You know I did.”

“I saw your video. You were chopping wood.”

My eighth graders live vicariously through my outdoor adventures. They want to learn how to use an ax, identify plants and trees, rub sticks together to build a campfire, get muddy, and sleep soundly in the woods. Their innate curiosity gnaws at them like a beaver on a Sweet Gum. But those pesky rules. I stop the stories and press on through the math lesson. But some stuff just doesn’t add up.

I wonder, would time in the woods help these students? Recess is a historic relic. No green spaces for free-play and wild exploration, just red ink on paper. You know my thoughts if you’ve read any of my work. Kids, and especially all of us over-busy and strained grownups, could benefit from the human-nature connection.

Science proves it. But woods loafers don’t need studies as proof. We experience the benefits firsthand with everything that’s wild and free and good in the woods.

Woods Loafing

Some friends and coworkers have the idea that I live in the woods like Jeremiah Johnson based on this blog and social media. Not hardly. I live in a typical neighborhood. I’m fortunate to have my fixed camp a short drive from my house. Like the vast majority of readers, town is where I live and make a living. The forest is where I play and learn.

Here are five lessons I’ve learned from being a woods loafer…

#1) Be Wild

The distinction between “wilderness” and wild places (nature) needs to be made. The disturbing attitude that wilderness skills are not as real unless demonstrated in a wilderness setting is invalid. YouTubers go to great lengths to get the setting just right so as to build credibility and authority and views. Break that “wilderness” protocol with a touch of civilization, even an occasional airplane overhead, and the hardcore purist may unsubscribe.

I love going to Back of Beyond, a place Mr. Kephart was so fond of. However, if I had to wait to practice wilderness living skills in a vast wilderness, I’d still be a novice. Some of my most memorable woods loafing lessons have come close to home.

My backyard is full of wild things and nature. The tract of land surround my middle school is full of wild nature, despite being bordered by a railroad track and I-20. Practicing skills, or just observing nature, need not take a tank of fuel and three hours of driving to reach. Read our Backyard Bushcraft Skills: No Wilderness Required article for practical ideas.

Developing wilderness living skills is my greatest unfinished work. I’m not moving to a vast wilderness to live alone like Dick Proenneke. However, building a log cabin with hand tools is on my woods loafing bucket list.

Tulip Poplar- A Rich Resource for Year-Round Wilderness Self-Reliance -

Reconstructing old cabins with tulip poplar at Foxfire Museum

#2: Be Still

Drop me in any patch of woods and my eyes shine like new money. Every sense awakens. Sounds, aromas, textures, sights, even tastes are heightened. From where I park my truck, the walk to my fixed camp would take only a few minutes at a normal pace. Intentionally, many trips there take much longer.

Creeping slowly along the creek side to spot crawdads or admire trout lily blooms bending low requires a deliberate decision to slow down. Instead of breaking into the woods like a jack hammer on concrete, make as small a ripple as possible. In doing so, the non-human participants of nature are more likely to return to their normal everyday life.

I sometimes find a comfortable spot where I can sit and be still. Try this yourself. Look out over the landscape and relax your eyes. Look but don’t focus on anything in particular. Allow time for your ripples in the forest to settle. You’ll begin to notice movements and sounds and critters you would have missed by tramping through the woods. Jot down reflexions and observations in your note pad or journal.

I watched this family of otters feasting on crawdads one day as I sat quietly on a creek side. Pardon the shaky camera.

#3: Be Curious

The idea of wilderness living first came from animals. They lived in the forest before humans. We learned how they moved, stalked, and slept by observation and curiosity.

For instance, the concept of staying warm in an emergency debris shelter came from our bushy-tail friends. A squirrel’s home, nestled in a tree fork, viewed from the ground may appear to be just a large bird nest with an open, cupped design. However, upon closer inspection you’d find the two tree homes differ greatly. A squirrel nest is not open but an enclosed dome shape built of sticks, leaves, and shredded forest material. This design is efficient for shedding water and holding warmth in cold weather.

My Top 5 Woods Loafing Lessons ~

The inside of a debris hut

Math is all about making sense of patterns. Have you noticed patterns in nature? How about the spirals on a pine cone? Or the number pattern of limbs on trees? There’s actually a name for this, the Golden Ratio (phi = 1.61803…) or the Fibonacci sequence.

If you’d really like to get your geek on in the woods, research theses terms and start counting tree limbs and flower petals. Not every plant and animal displays the Fibonacci pattern but enough do to make this a valid pattern occurring in nature.

#4: Be Resourceful

Wild nature provides more than just a refreshing walk in the woods. Resources are at every turn. I wonder as I’m woods loafing if the dead tree up ahead would give me fire by friction. Or if fibers from the green plant to the left would make strong cordage. As my human-nature journey continues, my eyes are keen to spot a tree or plant I’ve used for food, medicine, or craft. Experiencing the usefulness of woodland resources for yourself builds confidence, comfort, and appreciation for nature.

A while back a misguided youth vandalized my fixed camp. One of the first things I checked on inside my shelter was my collection of wood, stone, and bones. A few modern items went missing, but my most prized resources were of no value to the vandal. You learn to value the trees, rocks, dirt, leaves, bark, and vines you can name and use. Become intimate with nature’s gifts.

A Swiss Army Bread Bag as a Common Man's Haversack

Pine sap collected to make pitch glue sticks. The vandal saw no use in this resource

Not all resources in nature are physical and easily seen.

#5: Be Healed

Woods loafing is my process for body-mind-spirit alignment. It allows me to focus inward and center my mind and body for optimal performance.

My Top 5 Woods Loafing Lessons ~

Raven Cliff Falls

Five years ago, after regaining her strength from chemo treatment, Dirt Road Girl wanted to go back and visit her favorite hiking destination, Raven Cliff Falls. Our slow pace and frequent stops allowed us to take in more scenery than ever before. There are times in life, unforgettable moments, where spiritual healing takes place. This hike was one of them.

Spiritual stuff is impossible to measure. But it’s real. Infinitely real. I experience the Infinite when woods loafing. Nature subtly draws my soul to that which is bigger and smarter than I. What appears to be primordial chaos in nature is full of order. Discovering this order through woods loafing humbles me and makes God smile.

Go. Get out there!

Keep Doing the Stuff of Self-Reliance,


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Categories: 180 Mind Set Training, Bushcraft, Doing the Stuff, Self-reliance | Tags: , , | 16 Comments

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16 thoughts on “My Top 5 Woods Loafing Lessons

  1. ricedavid40

    Dear Mr. Walker,

    Thank you for the lessons of loafing in the woods. As a child in northeast Ohio, I lived near woods and came to appreciate the beauty of nature. Your teaching helps others who would not learn what resources are available to those who would learn. Thanks again.


    David Rice

    On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 7:23 AM, Survival Sherpa wrote:

    > Survival Sherpa posted: “by Todd Walker Early on I took to the woods and > never outgrew it. Exploring every creek bend, barefooted as the day I born, > cane pole in one hand, and one of Mama’s soup cans half-full of hand-dug > worms, fishing has never been as fun. Chiggers, agg” >


  2. Pingback: My Top 5 Woods Loafing Lessons – Rolf Lindenbergh Live

  3. MURPH

    I was a paramedic for 33 years in addition to teaching in this medicine EMT classes and paramedic courses for 18 of those years I often took my kids on Cave trips  I hope you continue to enjoy your walkabouts in the great out there

    Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy® Note 4.


  4. Darrin Glenn Cook

    Really Enjoyed this Todd…


  5. Jeff Heigl

    “Be healed”. A simple statement with wonderful ramifications. Thanks Todd.


  6. pineslayer

    Love it. I’m guilty of rushing through hikes at times to get to the destination, I blame a busy life. When I’m at home in my corner of the woods I do find myself just staring into the bush or trees looking at the interaction of the bugs and birds. I need to focus on that more just to silence the noise, like I did as a kid in the woods of Indiana. Thanks for the advice/reminder.

    All my best to DRG and her recovery.


    • I too have to remind myself that the journey is more important than the destination. She’s a strong soul and awfully determined. Thank you, my friend!


  7. Harry

    Spent most of my yonker days growing up running in the marsh, fields, and woods trapping muskrat, otter and ‘coon. Still hang out in the woods. (Left the island years ago) The woods is still where I contemplate and work out things while listening to the wildlife call to one another, fuss at each other and are often quite comical. Had a chance to turkey hunt yesterday with my son. Had a hen come in and fuss with the two hen decoys we had out. We just watched her fussing and making soft clicks, whistles and kinda puffed up at the decoys before she moved off. It was a good day even though nothing else came in. I did discover a huge wall of blackberry brambles full of white blooms and will be back later with my bucket.


  8. Mark Augustus

    You have put into words my own feelings when I am alone in the woods. I have a camp in the Adirondacks and I try and get there every spring so I can spend some alone time there wandering and wondering. Have had some cancer issues that have limited me in the last couple of years but I again am planning on going this April for some time just to use my new Kephart knife and wander about.


    • Hi Mark, sorry to hear about your cancer battle. Hope all is going better for you. Sure appreciate hearing from a fellow woods loafer! I own one Kephart style knife and is one of my favorites. Keep doing the stuff, friend!


  9. Mark s Augustus

    Time has been kind to me and I am on the mend and as always planning and dreaming of my next trip.


  10. Anne Gilliam

    Beautiful post! When I was reading it, I kept thinking, “this is it!! This is exactly what I’ve felt and experienced my whole life, but didn’t have a way to express it!” Thank you for giving me the words to understand my heart!!!


  11. Susan Harnett

    OK, This is probably my favorite blog of yours yet. God’s gift of nature has always been my respite. Luckily my children also enjoyed the benefit of country living and I tried to teach them all I could. “Be still” is one of my daughter’s coping skills in this mad house called life and I would like to think it comes from memories of me telling them, hush…listen to the wind, the birds, the animals movements…have they stopped? Then it is time to go home. There is so much to learn by being still in your surroundings, where ever they may be.
    These lessons you share with your students, and us all, are irreplaceable gifts. Thank you for yet another wonderful memory shared. PS – The healing smiles on your and DRG’s faces was just perfect. Love to you both ❤


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