Posts Tagged With: off grid homestead

Off Grid: 9 Years of Self-Sufficiency (and lovin’ every minute of it)

Ever want to really unplug? Not just leaving your cell phone behind on your weekend camping trip. I mean cutting the electrical umbilical cord and all the trappings of our modern societal construct.

If so, you’ll be inspired by this story of one couple’s journey to off grid living, resilience, and freedom.

I’ve been following Barbara Peterson’s blog for some time now. I asked her if I could share this story with you. She gladly said yes. It was originally published on her site, Farm Wars

Off Grid and Lovin’ It


Barbara H. Peterson

Farm Wars

Most of us have wondered what it would be like to pack bag and baggage, move to a remote area of the country, be able to cut all ties to the outside world if necessary and live off-grid. Quite a daunting task, and a bit scary. But it can be done, as evidenced by Bud and Judy who did just that around 9 years ago, and are thriving today because of it.

I asked Bud what their motivation was, and he said: “We just wanted to do things on our own.” Well, they are doing just that. Isolated from the artificial existence of city life, cocooned in the warm glow of self-sufficiency and ready to cut the ties to civilization at any moment, Bud and Judy are living a life that most of us only dream about, and I was about to get a peek at their hideaway…

The Road to Paradise

It was a nice day, and the sun was shining. I could hardly wait to see what Bud and Judy had created. From all accounts, this was a little piece of paradise, right here in the southernmost hills of Oregon. Would it be like I had imagined?

When my friend Linda and I entered the road going to the homestead I couldn’t help but notice the peaceful quiet surrounding me like a soft glove, caressing my senses and pulling me into its wonder. Water is abundant here, flowing out of the mountain and filling ponds, homes, and reservoirs. No well pumps here, just free gravity flow all year-round.

Sometimes the Road is Rocky

The sides of the road were lined in rock. Rocks cover a good portion of the land, and this required a bit of clearing. So, what do you do with the rock that you clear off your land? Why, build a fence, of course!


Permanent and beautiful, rock fences are also practical, especially when the building material is free. We were almost to the house, and the anticipation was growing minute by minute.

Down on the Ranch

When we arrived, it was like the veil was lifted to another place in time. A time when factory farms didn’t exist and pollution wasn’t a concern. The thought ran through my head that I could live here for the rest of my life, never see the city again and it wouldn’t bother me one little bit.


The house is surrounded by critters, green grass, herbs, flowers, and life as it was meant to be. Water flows from the mountain to the house, over a small rock waterfall and down to a small pond above the garden area.


Gardener’s Delight

I asked Judy why everything stayed so green. She attributed it to the water and lots of horse manure. She plants in raised garden beds filled with manure and compost. She says that this is the best way to get the soil nice and rich for gardening.

garden and wagon 

Covers over the beds when necessary extend the growing season.


Every Goat’s Dream

Off to the right are the milking goats. Bud has built them individual homes with ramps, platforms, and cozy sleeping quarters.

Read the rest of their journey here

Author bio: Barbara Peterson, Writer/Activist, lives on a small ranch in Oregon where she raises geese, chickens, goats and horses. This rural lifestyle is under attack at the most basic level. Federal regulations and the corporate takeover of our food supply with Monsanto’s invasive GMO technology is designed to make it next to impossible to raise animals and organic food.

It is time to step up to the plate and fight or lose it all without a whimper. Choose to take a stand and fight. We can make a difference.

You may contact her on her site at


Categories: Homesteading, Preparedness, Resilience, Self-reliance | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

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