Trees for Self-Reliance

Trees… the rich, year-round resource that keeps on giving when wild plants are not available.

Trees for Self-Reliance |


10 thoughts on “Trees for Self-Reliance

  1. Pingback: Tulip Poplar: A Rich Resource for Year-Round Wilderness Self-Reliance | Survival Sherpa

  2. Pingback: How Cherokees Used Trees of Southern Appalachia for Food, Medicine, and Craft | Survival Sherpa

  3. Pingback: How Cherokees Used Trees of Southern Appalachia for Food, Medicine, and Craft | Prepper's Survival Homestead

  4. Pingback: How Cherokees Used Trees of Southern Appalachia for Food, Medicine, and Craft – The Prepper Dome

  5. Pingback: Wild Resources: Only a Fool Comes Home Empty Handed! | Survival Sherpa

  6. Harry

    I keep seeing and wondering about the wooden Bowl/cup in some of your pictures. What wood is that made of and what did you seal it with inside? Looks right handy.


  7. Fixer

    If you live north of the Mason-Dixon Line, don’t forget maple trees! Producing syrup, while hard work, is a lot of fun, and requires minimal equipment.


  8. Willard L. Glasgow

    First time visitor to your site and I really like it. It’s much better than other prepper/bushcraft sites I have seen. I would like to be informed of new posts that you make and will come back here often to browse. Thank you for all you do!


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