How to Make Firebricks (fire logs) and Wood Stove Logs for Free!

Today we’re proud to present another DIY project from a fellow Doing the Stuff Networker. Jamie Burke is a master at repurposing trash and junk. His latest project shared on our DTSN Facebook Group not only saves money, but would be very useful both now (free is always good) and after a SHTF event.

If you’d like to see more of how he and our other members are Doing the Stuff, join us on our journey to self-reliance and preparedness!

Here’s Jamie’s down and dirty tutorial…


Firebricks and Wood Stove Logs Tutorial

This process only requires: Two buckets, a drill (or stabbing weapon), piece of wood (or bottom of another bucket), kinda a custom drill bit, water. + your TRASH!

Out of all of the physical spam you receive in the mail, leaves you rake, dead foliage, paper towel rolls, paper plates, napkins, beer boxes, egg cartons, etc., etc., etc., (any biomass material you can think of) – why not turn it into useable logs for your furnace, campfire, or cooking? Just don’t use the plastic coated things.

I’ve seen ‘devices’ you can buy that makes ‘newspaper logs’, but they never seem efficient, require you to pre-shred, take way too much time and the logs are not very solid. This is a much better method and doesn’t really cost anything.

Step 1

Get two 5 gal buckets. $3 each at walmart. Drill a lot of holes in it, about 2 inches down from the lips and around 3/16 size-ish. I used a soldering iron. You can use a screw driver and stab holes all in there. Go around all the bucket and on the bottom. [Todd’s note: Buckets can be had for free at bakery’s and construction sites]


Holy bucket


Un-holy and holy

Step 2

Place the holy bucket inside the other normal bucket. Start putting your papers, leaves, bio material in it. Add your water and fill’r up. Doesn’t really matter if you have too much water. You can leave these buckets of water setup by the mailbox, then just walk by and toss stuff in.


Don’t judge my trash

Step 3

You need a custom drill bit, which I have. A good thing to do is find an old table saw blade and weld it to s shaft of steel. This is “the hardest” part of this setup. Drill away and in seconds you will have a nice pulpy wet mess.


Drill attachment turns it into mulch


New and improved stirring attachment/zombie slayer

Step 4

Next, pull out the holy bucket and let it drain. I put the draining bucket on top of the other bucket to save the water – you can re-use the same water many times.


Reuse this water for your next batch

Step 5

You should have a press that goes far down into the bucket to press out the remaining water. I found a bucket that someone cut the bottom off.. well perfect. But you will probably want to place a bucket down on some wood, trace around the base and cut out that piece of wood to use as a press.


Pulp on the left. Found this next to my house (press). Or just trace a bucket on wood and cut out the wood piece for a press.

Step 6

Set your press inside the bucket over the pulp. Then I set the re-used water bucket inside of that bucket (because water is heavy). That will work over time. I also sat on it.. put my anvil on it.. and stood in it. It’s pretty quick. whatever heavy you have for the top.


Step 7

Now once most the water is pressed out – take it out to a sunny/dry place. Turn over the bucket and tap on the top. It will take some time to dry, depending on your location. We live in the desert so this will happen fast. If you want it to dry faster, cut these logs as you would a pizza, into sections.


The wet fire cake ready for drying

Once dry, these will burn a long time.. and cost you ~ nada.


Free firebricks dried in the desert!

Todd’s note: Hope you enjoyed Jamie’s tutorial. He’s a fine example of people who have traded theory for ACTION! Come check out all the other folks busy Doing the Stuff!

If you try it yourself, we’d like to know how it turns out.

Keep Doing the Stuff of self-reliance,


P.S. – You can also keep up with the Stuff we’re Doing on TwitterPinterestGoogle +, YouTube and Facebook page… and over at the Doing the Stuff Network on PinterestGoogle +, and Facebook.

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Categories: DIY Preparedness Projects, Doing the Stuff, Self-reliance | Tags: , , | 166 Comments

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166 thoughts on “How to Make Firebricks (fire logs) and Wood Stove Logs for Free!

  1. trampart

    I thought you said, Firebricks?” I wanted to know how to make “firebricks,” not paper bricks that would burn up in the fire.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sorry for the misunderstanding. We’ll have to do a diy firebrick post just for you. Then you can burn this ‘firebrick’ in your real firebrick oven. Fire cake may have been more appropriate, huh.

      Liked by 1 person

      • trampart

        I’ve actually been experimenting with making a fireproof paper brick for a 13-brick rocket stove, (unsuccessfully I might add).


      • That’d be cool to see, trampart! Keep failing forward!


      • Trampart is not the only one who thought we would be learning how to make Firebrick. :-\


      • James

        I to started reading as was thinking fire brick for my stove,so,will look forward to a “fire brick” writeup,will say,have found em pretty cheap at a nation wide supply store but just like making things,keeps me out of getting in too much trouble!

        Liked by 1 person

      • After reading a lot of info on PaperCrete projects, I’m thinking that mixing concrete mix into the pulp, will render a block that is fireproof. Most of the folks who are building with papercrete blocks say that they are “fire resistant”, but they are formating the recipe for building, not for firebrick. I imagine, if you add more concrete to the mix, you would have a VERY fire resistant brick. 😉


      • would this work with shredded paper from paper shredders/


    • Patrick

      I agree with you. I was disappointed. I’ve got 100’s of paper brick I want to know how to make firebricks!


  2. This is pretty cool!

    Another option if you don’t have that fancy custom drill thingy is to get an old blender and blend some of the pulp up a little at a time. We use to use the blender method to make recycled paper. It would take a little longer, but would still get the paper into pulp.

    Also, I was thinking you could take the squeezed pulp and smoosh it into smaller containers (butter tub, bottom of milk carton, etc) to get smaller “bricks” or different shapes.

    Love this idea!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great use for junk mail!


  4. Jack Willis

    I like the idea of different sized containers. I am a woodworker so if I made one say, oh, 6″ wide by 8″ high by 16″ long, and put a board on top of the mash, I could use my woodworking clamps to squeeze it together and make a square log.


  5. How long will these burn for?


  6. K

    Use an old paper shredder?


    • A shredder would work for paper but cardboard would take something substantial. Good tip, K!


      • bob

        a 12 sheet crisscut shredder will work however it’s best to load cardboard with ripples(corrugation lines) horizontal to the shredder. You can also lube the board with vegetable oil to keep the shredder running optimum.


  7. Pingback: How to Make Firebricks and Wood Stove Logs for Free! - Prepared Bloggers

  8. Dana

    I remember in the Girl Scouts many years ago we learned to make logs out of old newspaper. You would roll them up tight as possible and secure with twine. Then you would soak them in water for a day or more. And then let them set out in the sun to dry, which took several days to a week+. We used those on our camp outs along with regular wood, but our newspaper logs always lasted longer.


  9. Connie

    How long do you leave the cardboard soaking in the water?


    • Jamie, the author, could tell you more. I’m thinking until it melds into a mush.


    • Doesn’t really matter if you are using a power tool to grind it fast.
      over night is cool if you have to use a hand tool though. Makes it easier if it’s not a powered tool.


      • Graeme

        Hi I use my garden mulcher and then put the shredded paper in a garbage bin we used to have at home two thirds fill it then fill the bin nearly to the top and mix with a paint stirrer, I used my mix wet in compost or as a base in a worm farm,I have also put wet in steel pipes and pressed it on my home made steel press and gave dried paper ingots to friends as they have fire places wich I don’t have , good for mates when they get to old to cut or split wood ,they are very happy.


  10. Pingback: Prepper News Watch for July 25, 2014 | The Preparedness Podcast

  11. Sue

    How hard are they to light?


    • Hi Sue, I’m not the author of this post but Jamie posted an update on the fire logs on our FB group page. He said they burned for almost 2 hours. I’ll check on your ignition question for you.


      • Sandra Allen

        Hi ..will these be safe to use for cooking? I mean isn’t there a lot of chemicals in paper that may not be safe


      • Not real sure about that one, Sandra. I’d do my own due diligence before cooking. In an emergency, I’d use them if that’s all I had available.

        Let us know what you find with your research, please. Thanks for the comment!


    • If you consider this to be a chunk of wood about the same size.. that’s about what it’s like. Need a fire or coals going good before tossing this size of wood on to get it going. If it was chopped up, it would start faster, just like wood.


  12. Lauretta Cofer

    I Love the Idea , we now have Gas heat but if we still did a wood stove this would be a great way to use up the excess amount of paper products the are everywhere.I use a Paper shredder and shred the paper to put in our Compost! I think it might work nice for this project also!


  13. Pingback: PREParedness Items to Get in the Back to School Sales - Mom with a PREP

  14. forwoodnesssake

    Keep in mind that while you are getting toasty warm inside burning your “fire bricks”, it usually smells like someone is burning trash outside. Ans, if you add parafin wax as an accelerator, it smells like someone is burning garbage.


  15. Does the safety of cooking food over a fire of this, depend on what u put into it when making them? What’s food-safe or not to put it?


  16. lisa p

    HI guys!! Love your stuff…one comment..we bought a brick press and were making them….seemed to only burn around the edges…like it was too dense to burn throughout….Someone told me to try to put holes through it…hard with the press we have. Anyone have any comments with this one? This one is actually thicker I think than the one we made. Thanks


    • Anything to create more surface area would increase the O2 which is one of the legs of the fire triangle ~ heat, oxygen, and fuel.


    • Aquarius2

      You also must make sure it is totally dry then put it in a dry place. Try drying for a month in the sun, and on humid or rainy days bring it inside. After that leave it inside for a month by a sunny window.


  17. Tami/TX

    What a way to use the paper feed sacks that we get! I know better than to use the wax coated/plastic lined dog food bags and the plastic ones, but being we get up to 6+ paper feed bags a week. We also go through a lot of paper towel (the brown stuff) with the dairy goats……. That could go in. Left over newspapers……. And the blasted liberal AARP junk mail!



  19. Pingback: How To Make Fire Logs — Homestead and Survival

  20. robi

    Check out rocket stove briquets on. Youtube I made a. Press out of scrap treated lumber and I get large bags of shredded paper from work. I can make about 18, 3in x 2in in an hr with a 4in pvc pipe,they burn for about 1/2 hr.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. robin. canfield

    Check out youtube rocketstove briquets easy to make aand burn for about 1/2 hr.


  22. cobenim

    How about shredded paper for the bricks


    • Shredded paper has more surface area and would turn to pulp quicker. If you don’t have access to a paper shredder, soaking the material makes it easy to break up with a tool, DIY or homemade like Jamie made.


  23. vicki parks

    Would these work in a regular fireplace?


  24. James

    As mentioned earlier on posts some including me first thought this was making firebricks for your wood stove,something was interested in but seeing tis a lot of work and would need a kiln a bit much for me when available inexpensively at moment,yes,have many extras.I would rather spend time on projects am equipped tool wise to handle now,for example making a survival gig,do have knives and sapling a plenty!


  25. Kevin Wesley McCabe

    I live in Haiti and trash is something we are not short on. Also, one of the biggest problems here is deforestation. They cut down the trees to make charcoal for cooking. Would this be something safe to cook on? I saw Randall Schreurs posted the same sort of question but couldn’t find a response. Could be a great way to solve two of the major problems in this country….


    • Jamie sent me this reply to the question – Two things:
      1: That would depend on what you put in there. If you put in leaves, cardboard with no paint, wood with no chemical treatment, etc – all is good.
      2: You shouldn’t be cooking over flames, only coals. At the coal stage, anything is safe.
      I’d treat it like using pallet wood for cooking. Basically get coals and cook. Unless you know the pallet is toxic free, then cook over flames. But you shouldn’t cook that way. Unless it was in a pot (dutch oven), then nothing matters – go for it!


  26. Would these “bricks” work in an interior wood-burning stove? I’m concerned about the smoke/vapors leaving residue inside the flue and risking a chimney fire. (That’s the reason I don’t burn pine.)


    • Depends on what you put in it. Just as ‘would you put in a beer carton in your wood-burning stove now?’. Just depends on your trash and what you would want burning in there.


  27. Schneb

    As a teacher I see a LOT of paper being discarded every day. If anyone wanted to make a lot of these, checking in with the staff of your school–custodian and/or principal–and getting them to set aside whatever was clean paper from the copy room (trimming from paper cutter, boxes that the paper comes in, reject first few copies from a big run on certain machines, etc.), and you’d be all set. And maybe this could be a project that the students participate in. They have a winter camp out at our elementary and starting a fire is part of it.
    Anyway–great project, and thanks for it to all involved.


    • Jennifer Lovett

      I worked in a bank and shredded bags and bags of papers every week. I had a handful of people who collected my shreds for a multitude of reasons, and some of them made their own bricks. Bigger than the common household shredder, I could grind up a whole check book. If you live in a smaller town, ask-cant hurt,


  28. I make smaller versions of this biomass fuel block. A 16.4 oz. propane bottle fits perfectly inside a 6 inch PVC tube. I put a few handfuls of the pulp in a 12 inch PVC tube with holes drilled near the bottom, insert the propane bottle and press out the water. I get biomass wads about 2 inches thick and 6 inches diameter. These take a few days to dry, so I would think that the bucket sized ones would take a week or more to dry through.


  29. Brandy

    I had to say that I love this idea! I showed it to my father and we are going to pirate your idea as a cider press as well 🙂


    • Clayton

      Be SUREto always use FOOD-SAFE plastic buckets. Icing buckets from your local supermarket bakery are perfect.


      • Clayton

        Addendum to my reply, above. Use FOOD-SAFE plastics for making cider.


  30. I tried this a while back using a bit of soap in the mix to hold it together. worked great except for the Florida Humidity which made them soggy after a while. Used a length of 4 inch sch40 and a press I made for a four inch flange to make logs.

    Any idea how to water proof them. thought of a dip in ax but that likely would be cost ineffective…

    Paper Log

    Liked by 1 person

    • Christina B.

      Not if you look around at yard sales for discarded, half-used candles.


      • or kids crayons if you know someone who busses tables at a restaurant that gives them to kids to color with. They’re always left behind and thrown away.


    • Zoey

      Wax? Old trash candles and crayons?


  31. Pingback: Hippiesue's Blog » Blog Archive » How to Make Firebricks logs and Wood Stove Logs for Free! | Survival Sherpa

  32. You should change the name of this. It is NOT how to make firebricks. The title is misleading.


  33. barbara

    HI, wasn’t able to get firewood this summer–thinking about doing this…will it gunk up the chimney??

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Great idea! I have been using paper bricks for a few years now.
    I bought a kotula’s paper brick maker and it makes it easier to make 5 at a time now. they burn up fairly fast though. The bucket idea looks like a bigger and better paper brick maker. 🙂


  35. T

    Are these safe for wood stoves?


  36. Salasenko

    The paper has inks which are highly toxic. What do you do with the water afterwards?


    • Zoey

      I’ve been experimenting with leaves and sawdust… Haven’t burned them yet but was thinking that if SHTF that would be available.


    • Dawn

      Most ink in the US is now soy based rather then petroleum based.


  37. Reblogged this on Clan of Awareness Worldwide and commented:
    Doing things with out a “company” will be more important then you can know. Collect and make your plans well.


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  39. Floyd L. Perry

    Well I for one will be giving this a go. I love the word FREE. And with the JUNK mail it will be FREE.


  40. Harold Thackston


  41. The top is how to stomp clay second is how to form fire bricks for your fire brick ovens


  42. Actually reverse that… Sorry


  43. Mary

    How long do these burn and how hot do they burn? I’m working in a poor country and am wondering if these would be beneficial.


    • Myeika

      Mary, I would have thought that something that burns well and cost you nothing is worth it 🙂
      I have a lot of cardboard, and lots of junk mail come, I used to put it in the recycling bin and let it be taken away… not anymore, it goes in my bin for summer log making 😉


  44. Pingback: Skill of the Month Progress Check! - Survival Mom

  45. Pingback: How to Make Firebricks for Free - Info You Should Know

  46. Mike

    I also thought this was about firebricks. My family made firebricks using salt and sifted ash that was baked in the fireplace. I haven’t found anything on the internet describing making these firebricks.


  47. Seth Williams

    Hey could you use a strap that tightens and just do that to squeeze it all out


  48. Rob

    I Tried a Process very similar to this and tried to light them with a blow torch and they wouldn’t burn. Any suggestions on what went wrong


    • Zoey

      Suggestions that I have gotten is that they are for adding to an already burning but I was thinking that if I make smaller and bigger ones I could infuse smaller ones with wax and it would be more like a firestarter recipe but would solve that problem but I am still in the experiment stage.


    • pyta

      Maybe not dried out long enough?


  49. Thomas Leinaar

    I have been doing this for years with great success! I purchased a small used concrete mixer that came from Harbor Freight for $50 and toss all my cardboard, shredded office paper, about 4 cups of sawdust shavings from my shop, dried leaves and twigs in with some water and let her rip for about 10 min. That’s all it takes. Then I poor the slurry into capped (with many small holes drilled in it) pvc pipes 2 foot long. I put a smaller cap inside and use my pipe clamps to press them into logs. Some times I put a cup of pulverized candles I get from the thrift store for really cheap in the mixer at the start. Next I am going to try adding some corn cobs but I am sure I will need to run the mixer a little longer. Oh, I also put in about four 3-4 pound round rocks in with the whole mess. They are easy to fish out before I pour the slurry and they do a fantastic job of mashing.

    Liked by 1 person

  50. Pingback: Made by Hands: Make it or Buy it? | Survival Sherpa

  51. tiberian

    hi guys check out youtube they are called doughnuts and burn much better than just a block thanx


  52. Love this! Do you suppose a drywall compound mixing bit would do the trick if the papery mess got soaked for a few extra days? And any tips on storage?


  53. Dylan Anderson

    Go to your local Home Depot, Lowes,Lumber yard,ex.. and ask for there sawdust left overs from the lumber section.. Add it to your mulch… makes denser bricks .. burns hotter and longer… drying time is alittle longer .. i have also added wax on occasion as an external coating for wet weather camping.. lights fast and stays dry…good luck…


    • Yo, Bob

      I wouldn’t do that. There might be sawdust from pressure treated wood. Never burn pressure treated wood, especially from an older deck or structure. The older stuff contains arsenic and the newer solution still contains copper, and it’s not advisable to breathe the burnt fumes of it, either.


  54. Creasote buildup in a short time. That would almost fit perfectly in a chimney pipe. I bet it burns good and hot too! Cool idea but probably not the best choice for indoor heating.


  55. Sultana



  56. I’ve been making the fire logs since last fall, I’ve gotten addicted. It does take them a while to dry but burn great if used with regular wood. Really stretches the wood supply. Good heat output.


  57. Jeff

    Awesome idea! But if you wanted to do this on a regular basis maybe buy a small cheap electric cement mixer so you could make bigger batches and pour it out into multiple buckets. Definitely cost you some, but would greatly increase the volume.


  58. JimmyBilly

    As for fire bricks, you need to add clay to the concrete.


  59. d

    Did you take this from the youtube video? It’s basically step by step word for word. If so, give credit. If not, no harm


  60. NJ

    Trying to find how to build a good paper shredder after the paper has been soaking. Anyone have any step by step videos or instructions? I only have a batter operated drill. Thanks for the help.


  61. Firstly, I respect the efforts in sharing this work and always looking for ways to save energy & money.
    As soon as I have to use an electrical item, be it a drill or shredder, I immediately want to work that out and try to understand what are you saving really, efforts put in yourself are free (unless you want to put an hourly rate to your projects).
    I have been making these bricks for a while, I have a wood burner in my garage and use them there, I soak paper in large buckets for 2 weeks and press them in a metal hand press, I dry them in my greenhouse.
    I do own a shredder and do shred paper for security reasons, the rest I hand tear. My wife works in an office that use a shredder and she collects bags of that, so we don’t try to add energy to the process.
    I would like to know if anyone has worked out the energy of what one of these produces. One day I might get round to working this out by lighting one under a pan of water and working out the BTU.

    Keep up the good work…whoever does it 🙂


  62. Btw, I was not disappointed but thought this was what I was getting when I read the title. One thing I noticed in that You Tube video is he didn’t pull the plastic window out of the pasta (ziti) box, and I would definitely remove all plastic. I wouldn’t want the chemicals added to the fumes. It cannot be a good idea to burn any amount of plastic in your home. Toilet paper tubes could be tossed in the mulch, and my family goes through plenty of those.


  63. Josh

    This is fantastic and I am trying it. As I type my buckets are draining. However, I have one question. How long should I let it drain before I flip my bucket and knock out my mold?


  64. Jay

    Awesome setup I’m doing the same as im typing this. I have let my paper soak for 3 days now as im waiting on my day to make our blender. As for cooking I would look into the $6 rocket stove on YouTube. As for letting drain I would later it drain until all the excess water is out then take a third bucket and fill it with sand and water and sit it on top as a press for at least a few hours so after all the water is pushed out it would actually start to dry like that. that way you could be sure it would be as tight as possible.


  65. Shaw

    How clean do they burn


  66. Shaaban

    Thanks a lot for your instructions of how to make firebricks. I wood like more instructions, simply because I use to build so many Houses but they want firebrick to build the the wood kitchen! Thank you!


  67. Pingback: Forget Spending Hours Gathering Firewood. Use This Genius Technique To Turn Trash And Biomass Into 'Fire Cakes' - Prepper Realist

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  69. Myco

    Hmm, I made this exact recipe & even made a press out of a shop press, but my bricks just don’t want to burn much. I’m using cardboard & junk mail. Some recipes add sawdust, but I don’t produce much & no one around here wants to give theirs up.


    • Michael Johnke

      Check at some of your high end Hotels that put out Newspapers for the guests, only need one or two to keep you in paper, like the idea of leaves, especially when all the neighbors have got theirs bagged up, sure they will give them away free.


  70. This will reduce trash going into landfills. Awesome!


  71. Michael Johnke

    Found it handy to use pvc pipes 4-6” dia. When forming “LOGS” for Stoves or Fireplace. Make a ram from PVC to remove water and wooden post to push out log.


  72. Pingback: How To Make Firebricks – A Website For All The Ideas You Will Ever Need

  73. Dave

    Cool deal I am going to try your process. I am wondering if a bucket is wholly and did you weld the slayer?


  74. Julio

    I think my time is better spent cutting firewood.

    Liked by 1 person

  75. Pingback: How To Make Firebricks From Old Newspapers | The Homestead Survival

  76. Gloria

    Wow amazing and I get lots of junk mail! Thank you so much for this idea ,and it’s recycling at the same time!


  77. JD

    60% paper and 40% sawdust thats is goieng to work


  78. Dorothy Andreasen

    Thanks for this great idea. My Girl Scouts are learning about different fires. This would be a great project for us to try although we may do it on a smaller scale.


  79. Pingback: How to Make Firebricks and Wood Stove Logs for FREE – iSeeiDoiMake

  80. Pingback: 23 Things That Preppers Shouldn't Throw Away

  81. Stan DiGiorgi

    You can also add sawdust to the mixture as another filler. It works real good

    Also try doing it with multiple size containers, great hikes and other outdoor activities without having to carry such large pieces


  82. Irma

    How can anyone make bricks from fire? Never heard of it. Fire bricks are made of literally debris like wood and newspapers, etc.


  83. Kedar Chaware

    Nice idea !

    I dream to install a factory for Corn waste material firewood in India

    Even this idea might be useful for me
    if you have any ideas about Corn waste fire wood please comment

    Thanks a lot





  85. Anthony

    Amazing, very helpful… thank you


  86. squirt1000

    Ya, I’m just wondering what all people put in these things. I know junk mail, but I’m thinking maybe used tea bags, coffee grounds, maybe even fruit and vegetable scraps. If it’s going to be dried out anyway, what’s it matter? Any other ideas?


    • pyta

      WOW! Do you believe in bad odors coming from a fire? Why not just use paper as suggested as it turns back into pulp?


  87. Carl R Williams

    Thanks for sharing this great Prepper idea. Gonna give it a try in a couple of days.
    Thanks again and will look forward to many more great ideas from you.
    Thanks for all you do: Keep on Preppin’!


  88. Gary

    What does it mean they will burn a long time? 15 min, a day. Give a guess. Thanks


  89. Karl

    Thank you very much for all the tips you gave here. I’m very impressed and will make out of untreated wood scarf sales these fire bricks.


  90. Gary

    I think you can make a fire brick from plaster of Paris and sand then place in a mould and allow to set. But work fast because it can set fast


  91. Francine

    Very interesting. Need to know if these bricks create creosote like woodburning.


  92. TrishB

    This is a great post! I was wondering if this could be made into smaller pieces and made into charcoal by heating in a metal container with a small hole on top? I think I might try it.


  93. Coleen

    I am going to try this. We throw away so much paper, and we live on a tree farm with lots of ponderosa pine so we have an endless supply of pine needles.


  94. Michael

    Does this work with sawdust aswell


  95. Pingback: Forget Firewood. Use This Simple Technique to Turn Trash and Other Biomass Into Homemade 'Fire Cake' - Prepped Survivalist

  96. Pingback: Cost Of Diy Wood Stove – DIY Project at Home

  97. Maxine

    great idea. started to make some to allow them to dry in the Australian summer.


  98. Pingback: How to Prep When All The Survival Gear Is Sold Out | Urban Survival Site

  99. Becca

    I make these bricks using a brick press, but they take forever to dry. I want to know if you could dry them faster by placing them on a cookie sheet and putting them in the oven on a super low temperature? I haven’t yet found anyone who has tried this.


  100. Fire brick is the perfect description. I searched for ‘how to fire brick’ and your post was perfect. I love to repurpose. Your post is Very easy to understand. I signed up for all your posts. I don’t like to throw paper away I get so much of it. I can’t wait to get more advice from you. Thank you so much for this and you are so gracious when dicks leave stupid replies. Bless you.


  101. Pingback: presto log maker today - alllogindata

  102. Pingback: www.wooden box logs login - infoslist

  103. We are in the process of building a new home and we are currently looking at different types of brick. We are deciding on a stucco type and the bricks that are going to be used for the base of the home are looking like this! I love the look of the brick and was wondering if it would be possible to brick the back of the home as well. We are wanting to have a back porch so the brick would be on the exterior of the home.


  104. Dillon

    Do these work well in a fireplace or do they smoke too much?


  105. Rudy van Acker

    My daughter and husband own a small village store selling takeaway food, coffee, limited number of groceries, milk etc as well as newspapers.The unsold ones I use to make fire briquettes after shredding them. Have found that photocopy paper and magazines are unsuitable because they are very difficult to soak and mulch into a paste. To the paper mixture I add dried used coffee grounds as well as sawdust made by my son when engraving hardwood plaques and signs with a CNC router. Have experimented with the ratios of the ingredients in small batches and have settled on 500gm shredded newspaper, 400g sawdust, 600gm coffee grounds with about 6 litres of water, as the paper mulch still acts like a suitable glue for the other ingredients. The briquettes are pressed in a home made setup comprising 100mm dia PVC pipe x 200mm long, reinforced with 2 stainless steel hose clamps and plenty of 5mm holes for drainage when compacting to a height of 100mm. I have a 100mm long tapered cylinder (25 to 35mm dia) placed in the centre of the mould to form a longitudinal hole in the briquette to assist in the burning from the centre outwards. As it is winter here in Australia they take about 3 weeks to fully dry out to about 230gm each ready for burning, lasting about 30mins. Am experimenting with a 3 station rotary setup to allow 2 grandchildren to fill, press and push-out the briquettes in a rapid manner. Anticipating the use of a small concrete mixer to facilitate production of the briquettes.


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