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3 Knives That Will Enhance Your Bushcrafting Tenfold

[Todd’s note: Before we get to Eric’s guest article, I wanted to ask you to tune in to a live show tonight at 9:00 pm EST. I’ll be chatting with my buddy and Doing the Stuff Network member, Joshua Shuttlesworth, from The 7 P’s Blog, to discuss a few of my favorite topics: fire craft, making your own gear, Doing the Stuff of Self-Reliance, and any stuff you’re interested in discussing!

Be sure to join us TONIGHT (07/28/2015) on American Preppers Network’s: Prepper Broadcasting Network for the 7 P’s Survival Radio Show.

Listen online here

Listen by phone here: (347) 202-0228 – and remember, if you have a comment or question just press 1 to join the live discussion. We look forward to hearing from you tonight whether it be in the chat room or on the air!]


by Eric Pangburn

Bushcrafting, a term coined in Australia and North America, refers to all skills that are a part of wildlife survival. A great knowledge and skill of bushcrafting can determine whether one lives or dies in the wild. While there are many tools that can enhance your outdoor skills, none are more important than a proper bushcrafting knife. The many different tasks in bushcrafting, such as making a shelter and setting traps, can’t be accomplished with your average pocket knife.

An excellent knife is determined by its maneuverability, toughness, and durability; any tool that is lacking in these areas will be ineffective in your quest for survival. A curved blade is typically your best bet more often than not, because those blades are the best at completing all kinds of tasks.

Choosing the right blade is difficult, as there is no definitive knife that beats the competition. There are, however, many excellent choices that would more than suffice in the outdoors. Here are three knives that stood out to me.

3: Helle Temagami

3 Knives That Will Enhance Your Bushcrafting Tenfold -

If bushcraft knives had a beauty contest, this gorgeous blade would surely win first prize. Designed and crafted by Les Stroud of Survivorman, this wonder of the knife world was made to take a beating. The handle is graced with curly birch, and an oiling of linseed. Complimenting the handle is a blade composed of three layers of stainless steel, so that it won’t lose its sharpness easily.

2: Spyderco Bushcraft

3 Knives That Will Enhance Your Bushcrafting Tenfold -

Spyderco is a company that has made its name known for folders used by military and law enforcement advocates alike. On top of that, however, they also make a good knife, and their Bushcraft is no exception. Designed by a bushcraft expert,, and Spyderco, this knife is as durable as they come. Its high carbon steel blade retains its razor-sharp edge with ease, and an added thumbhole on the handle allows for a better grip during more difficult tasks.

1: Ka-Bar Becker BK2 Companion

3 Knives That Will Enhance Your Bushcrafting Tenfold -

This is the behemoth of all bushcrafting knives. Weighing an entire pound, this monster of a tool was designed for heavy work (no pun intended). A make of 1095 Cro-Van carbon steel and chrome carbides make this blade exceptional at every task you throw at it, while still keeping its sharpness and form like none other. The knife is so strong that the handle was made with guards on both edges to protect your hand during great usage. The Companion is not flexible, but the blade can be detached to make a spearhead that would be enough to make any bear question attacking you.

Author bio:

Eric Pangburn is a blogger, an avid sports fan, and ‘Naked & Afraid’ fan. He enjoys gear for guys, cool stuff, and cool survival gear.  Also make sure you connect with him over on Twitter @DudeLiving

Keep Doing the Stuff of Self-Reliance,


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Categories: Bushcraft, Camping, Gear, Preparedness | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

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