Posts Tagged With: SmartPrepper

3 Simple Things That Will Turn ‘Virgin’ Preppers into SmartPreppers

by Todd Walker

Here’s my motivating-but-not-preachy advice to get you started on your journey to preparedness!

3 Simple Things That Will Turn ‘Virgin’ Preppers into SmartPreppers

Little seeds grow into big things!

What I’m about to share with you is a short, simple formula that will transform ‘virgin’ preppers into SmartPreppers.

This formula works on any stage of your journey! 😉

How can I make such a promise? Because the formula is time-tested. This exact method has made many people wealthy, saved millions of lives, and created revolutionary inventions.

It’s true for prepping, writing novels, building a business, or any other thing you do in life.

What are the 3 things?

  • Thing #1: Start SMALL
  • Thing #2: Pay Attention
  • Thing #3: Make it Repeatable

Thing #1: Start SMALL

Here’s the truth about starting…

You’ll never feel truly ready to start. SmartPreppers start even when they don’t feel ready.

The abundance of quality material and info on prepping is everywhere. But that can be a curse. Information overload happens and you’re trapped in the cycle of ‘researching’ the best method for (fill in the blank).

The journey to self-sufficiency and preparedness may seem too long ~ even foolhardy.

Maybe this age-old question will clarify Thing #1 a bit. Which came first – the chicken or the egg? It doesn’t matter. Either one of these tiny things holds potentially for a flock.

You may be thinking….

All the stars have to align, the right resources need to appear, the timing isn’t in place, and/or you need to catch a break or two to succeed in self-sufficiency.

The fact of the matter is that your journey starts with a tiny step that is repeatable. You can take one step, right?

That one small step has a way of creating a new identity in you.


Yep. Buying an extra case of water on your trip to the grocery store begins to add up. You’ll start seeing your pantry grow by simply adding small items along the way. With a little time, you’ve become prepared for that winter snow storm or power outage. Then it hits you…

I’m prepping!

Congrats! You’re now doing the stuff!

Thing #2 ~ Pay Attention

This is the hallmark of SmartPreppers. They pay attention to their steps. Was that small step successful or a failure? If was an epic fail, they learn from the mistake and fail forward. If it adds value to their journey, they move on to the next thing…

Thing #3 ~ Make it Repeatable

This cycle will become a repeatable habit loop.

Oh, one more thing. You will fail at times. Welcome to the Failing Forward Club! You’re human. Failing doesn’t make you a failure. True failure happens when you forget about Thing #2 and Thing #3.

If you’ve spent any time with us here on our blog, you know we’re not experts who have it all together or figured out. But you will find a community of regular people committed to helping each other on our slow climb together – every step of the way.

Knowledge may weigh nothing, but it’s useless without action. You know you need to start.

You’ll never get anywhere without that first tiny step. It really doesn’t matter where you start – just start. You won’t be alone!

Keep doing the stuff,


P.S. ~ As always, if anything from this site adds value to your life, please pass it on. You can also connect with us on TwitterPinterest, and our new Facebook pageThanks for sharing the stuff!

Copyright Information: Content on this site (unless the work of a third-party) may be shared freely in digital form, in part or whole, with a link back to this site crediting the author. If you are interested a third-party article, please contact the author directly for republishing information.

Categories: 180 Mind Set Training, Doing the Stuff, Preparedness | Tags: , , | 10 Comments

Prepping Partners: How to Increase Your Survival Rate Exponentially

by Todd Walker

One is the loneliest number!

2 x 2 = 4 ... 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 ... 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16 ... 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 32 ... 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 64 ... 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 64 ... 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 128

Image source

Who’s your partner?

Butch Cassidy had the Sundance Kid. Wyatt Earp had Doc Holiday. Tarzan had Jane. Superman had… nobody!

When Jane got into trouble, Tarzan always came to the rescue. Doc Holiday had Wyatt’s back in the O.K. Corral. Butch and Sundance went down together, guns blazing.  When a villain exposed Superman to crippling Kyrptonite, who had his back?

No one!

But he had super-human strength – and x-ray vision, you say. Right. But even the Man of Steel had a weakness. The last I checked, there are no prepper superpowers to save us. We need help. We need partners.

We all need people who will walk side by side in our journey. Step for step. Prepping without a partner can be done, but not near as productive.

I remember a conversation I had with our activity director as a sophomore in college. He had hiked the Appalachian Trail a few years before. He had one regret on his solo journey from Georgia to Maine.

Being alone.

He’d walk up on a picturesque stream or overlook and catch himself expressing words of awe verbally to a friend he wished was with him. He took pictures but that just wasn’t the same.

We are social creatures and need human interaction. A pat on the back, a hug, or an encouraging word from a partner is all that’s needed sometimes to get us over a hump.

A byproduct of a good partnership causes individual strengths to be multiplied. Working with a partner has the potential to build strengths exponentially.

Consider this example in math.

2 + 2 = 4. 2 x 2 also equals 4. Multiplication is simply adding in a faster way.

But here’s where it gets good. If we take the little number 2 and raise it to the power of 3 (2 x 2 x 2), we get 8: Now the power of partnering begins to shine. Raising 2 to the 4th power gets you to 16.

Just for fun, try some mental gymnastics.

How many were going to St. Ives?

To demonstrate, look at this scenario from my 8th grade math class. Whip out your calculator and read this 18th century riddle that the Guinness Book of World records claims to be the oldest mathematical riddle in history:

As I was going to St. Ives,
I met a man with seven wives.
Every wife had seven sacks,
And every sack had seven cats.
Every cat had seven kittens
Kittens, cats, sacks, wives,
How many were going to St. Ives?

Answer choices: A.) 28  B.) 29  C.) 2801  D.) 1

You could reasonable defend ‘C’ and ‘D’ depending on your interpretation of the poem. If you chose answer ‘C’, you’ve discovered the power of exponential growth.

Exponents in Prepping

Let’s apply this to our prepping partners – even our extended prepper community.

Not everyone is into preparing for life changing events. It’s entirely possible your spouse or significant other falls into this category.

You, on the other hand, have come to the realization that governments can’t fix what’s wrong and their constant interventionism actually makes a bad situation worse. You’ve left the national ‘everything will be okay’ slumber party. You’re living with eyes wide open now.

You want your partner to join you.

If you’re as fortunate as me, your partner in prepping is flat-out, balls to the wall. Dirt Road Girl disengaged her ‘preparedness’ governor after the real estate bubble of 2008. She has our prepping engine maxed out.

If your partner hasn’t joined you on the preparedness journey, you can still climb solo. It’s not as easy or enjoyable, but very doable. Just realize that you’ll be adding when you could be multiplying.

Iron Sharpens Iron

In the process of iron sharpening iron, lots of heat is produced. The last thing you want is to create a bunch of sparks and unnecessary heat with your partner on your climb to preparedness.

If your strategy to convert your partner isn’t working, re-evaluate yourself. You can only ever change one person.


All is not lost. You might be able to influence your reluctant spouse or partner or family member to join you in building self-reliance.

Here’s how:

A.) Avoid annoying acronyms. (TEOTWAWKI, SHTF, B.O.B., G.O.O.D., WORL, etc.)

Your audience should not need a prepper lexicon to understand the babble coming out of your mouth. Keep it simple. Discuss events that are ‘most likely’ to happen and would have a direct impact on y’all. Example:

  • Weather related events – Snow in Georgia is a big event that rapes grocery store shelves.
  • Job loss. There’s no such thing as job security today.
  • Crime. Start making the connection between the economy and uptick in crime.

B.) You can influence your partner without trying to influence them.

  • Make sure they can eavesdrop on that your listening to podcast by an authority on survival and prepping. It’s not coming from you.
  • Do the stuff. People are more apt to trust and follow you if they see your actions match your words.
  • Practice practical preps. When hiking, camping, hunting, or other outdoor activities, first aid and other essentials go along. Maybe they’ll make the connection on the importance of prepping at home. Start by building an emergency kit for the family vehicles. They don’t drive around without a spare tire, do they? Take care of ‘what if’ situations. Especially if you have kids together. Preparedness really hits home then.
  • Do the stuff. “I really respect talking heads on the TV,” said no one ever!

C.) No bootlicking. Playing hard to get uses a bit of reverse psychology.

  • Be patient – but stand on your principles.
  • Coming across desperate makes you look like a cheap used car salesman in a polyester suit. If they haven’t woken up to the need to prepare yet, they’ll just blow you off.
  • Operate with integrity and respect. They’ll see that you have their best interest in mind if you’re not kissing up to convert them.

D.) Stop hard selling.

  • Do not try to change your partner’s mind by pushing preparedness. Treat him/her with the respect they deserve.
  • Drop the ‘I told you so’ attitude. Divisive comments will only widen the gap you are trying to close.
  • Scare tactics probably won’t work. Highlight the positives of preparedness.

E.) Gain trust. 

  • Actions vs. words. When that storm knocks out your power, having emergency essentials at the ready speaks louder than words. Lead.
  • Be humble. When you’re wrong, admit it, apologize and move on. No one is perfect. Don’t sweep mistakes under the rug.
  • Be there. You’ve done your homework and practiced your preps. When the time comes, show out. Become the go-to source for your partner in preparedness.

Doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results is the classic definition of insanity. Convincing your partner may only take a little tweaking in your approach. Or it may have nothing to do with your efforts at all.

However it comes about, SmartPreppers understand the importance of having your partner on board. Once that happens, get ready for exponential growth!

Keep doing the stuff,


P.S. ~ As always, if anything from this site adds value to your life, please pass it on. You can also connect with us on TwitterPinterest, and our new Facebook pageThanks for sharing the stuff!

Copyright Information: Content on this site (unless the work of a third-party) may be shared freely, in part or whole, with a link back to this site crediting the author. If you are interested a third-party article, please contact the author directly for republishing information.


Categories: 180 Mind Set Training, Doing the Stuff, Preparedness | Tags: , , , | 26 Comments

The Essential Pillars of Preparedness for SmartPreppers

by Todd Walker

Part 1 ~ Essential Pillars of Preparedness Series

Don’t be deceived. No matter how elaborate or advanced you think you are in your preparedness journey, it won’t be enough for every conceivable situation. Life has too many unknowns.

Not knowing, or some cases – knowing, motivates us to prepare. It’s easy to be lulled into complacency by our convenience-driven lifestyles. Press a button, get what you want. Food, water, medicine, security, and shelter get taken for granted in our neo mindset.

Just ask school-aged children where that fried chicken breast they’re munching on came from. I once had a 7th grade student tell me that steaks grew in gardens. I kid you not!

I probed deeper. Apparently, farmers dig a hole, cover a piece of meat, and you pick steaks off the stalk. I’m sure the nice gardener takes his ‘produce’ and wraps it in a styrofoam tray with clear plastic wrap and delivers it to the super market.

Chalk this up to youth and our teach-to-the-test public schooling culture.

In this series, you will learn practical ways to increase your chances of not only surviving, but tipping the scales towards thriving in the coming chaos.

We humans have been adapting and changing for thousands of years. If your alive, things change. No matter how much you plan and prep though, our customary way of living can change without notice. Stocking up on essential supplies, resources, skills, knowledge, and relationships will help you get through the hard times – however they appear. No one knows it all. That’s why we have to help each other.

Doomsday events are relative to the individual. Losing your job, being diagnosed with cancer, or the death of a spouse or child all qualify for personal SHTF events. In my world, lessons from our personal SHTF events are transferable to the big picture disaster scenarios – total economic collapse and the coming Reset.

Preparing necessarily means doing the stuff in advance or before the need shows up at your door. There’s not an Easy Button to press to magically make you prepared.

But… here’s the good news! Even if you’re too broke to pay attention, it’s not too late. You can start today!

Once you start your journey to preparedness and self-sufficiency, good habits replace the bad and a whole new lifestyle is forged. You’ll find yourself applying the famous words of Weaver D (of REM fame) as your prepping becomes…

Automatic for the people!

If you’re taking your first steps to climbing the preparedness mountain, I recommend that you focus on these 7 areas first. Any event that disrupts our ‘normal’ can be softened by building firm, sustainable foundations in these 7 areas.

These are my priorities which reflect my paradigm. If you agree, glad to hear it. If not, chew on the hay and spit out the sticks.

Keep in mind that all areas covered in this series must to be applied to your individual situation (see my Individual Preparedness Plan series for more help). This is not meant to be a cookie-cutter solution for all people. For example, if you’re surrounded by natural, abundant sources of potable water, you may put water further down your list.

With that being said, here’s my list:

  1. Health and Fitness
  2. Water and Food
  3. Skills and Knowledge
  4. Shelter and Energy
  5. Waste and Sanitation
  6. Natural Medical
  7. Security and Protection


If you don’t have health and some level of functional fitness, you’re already running on a deficit. This point seems to be lost on a lot of good folk in the preparedness community.

Let me stop right here.

I’ve been there and done that and lived my first two statements. I don’t want to come across as ‘preachy’ or having arrived. I haven’t. Remember, this preparedness journey takes time, effort, focus, and encouragement – NOT bashing!

Here’s what worked for me. Your results may vary.

“Diets” don’t work in the long run. You’re in this for the long-haul, right? Plus, how will all that Jenny Craig ‘food’ get delivered post collapse? Think of all the real food and preps you could buy with the $7,000/yr. you would spend buying prepackaged JC food.

Developing a healthy lifestyle was the key for me. I eat healthy fats, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and other nutrient dense foods. Basically, I stopped eating the Standard American Diet.

I traded our government food pyramid for this one:

food pyramid flat 2011sm 1

Image Source: Mark’s Daily Apple


But my Primal lifestyle goes deeper than just eating like a caveman. When it comes to fitness, I don’t float the mainstream.

I hold two degrees in Health and Physical Education. Over three years ago, I made this discovery – the conventional wisdom I was taught in school was a big waste. Eating what the USDA’s food pyramid recommended and following conventional fitness regiments left me hungry, tired, and fat.

fitness pyramid flat 2012

Image Source: Mark’s Daily Apple

Burn out and injury typically accompany conventional fitness wisdom. You can reach optimal fitness without wrecking your joints and being a permanent fixture in the gym.

If functional fitness is your goal, randomness is a good thing. I define functional fitness as being able to do the stuff (fill in the blank) when it counts.

Would you be able to carry your spouse or a stranger from a burning building? Even if you’re never in a life and death situation, lifting heavy things helps you burn fat, improve bone density, survive longer, and enjoy life better than weaker folks.

Humans have been pushing, pulling, squatting, running fast, and walking slowly throughout our entire existence. Although we won’t have to outrun a saber-toothed tiger or battle rival tribes for hunting territory, these basic movements can help you survive.

Here are four bodyweight exercises every SmartPrepper should incorporate into their physical training: Pushups, pullups, squats, and sprints. There’s no expensive gym equipment involved. And you can do these exercises most any place.

B.O.B. pushups

Doing a set of B.O.B. pushups for added resistance.

If you’re engaging your fast twitch muscle fibers with maximum force over a short period of time, you’ll need 2 to 5 days to recover properly before lifting heavy stuff again.

Mainstream conventional workout programs will have you spend day after boring day on some machine trying to isolate a particular muscle group. When I flip that piece of chimney at our park, all my muscles, tendons, bones, and joints work together at maximum effort. This is how our bodies are meant to function.

brick house workout

Don’t know the weight of this section of chimney. I do know that it takes a maximum effort to flip it.

On days when you’re not ‘destroying’ your muscles from lifting heavy stuff or sprinting, remember to walk long distances at a slow pace.

Do you want to look like a bag of skin and bones just to finish a marathon? Or, do you want to build your body into a functionally fit prepping machine?

The crazy part is that you can gain maximum effect with minimum effort. And you’ll no longer look like the other zombies brainlessly walking on those treadmills at the gym.

This is meant to be a primer on our first Pillar of Preparedness for SmartPreppers. There’s much more that can be added on the topic of functional fitness and healthy living. If you have questions or something you’d like to add, please feel free to drop a line in the comment section or email me.

Essential Pillars of Preparedness Series

Keep Doing the Stuff of Self-Reliance,


P.S. – You can also keep up with the Stuff we’re Doing on TwitterPinterestGoogle +, and our Facebook page… and over at the Doing the Stuff Network on PinterestGoogle +, and Facebook.

P.P.S – If you find value in our blog, Dirt Road Girl and I would appreciate your vote on Top Prepper Sites! You can vote daily by clicking here or on the image below. Check out all the other value-adding sites while you’re there…

Thanks for Sharing the Stuff!

Copyright: Content on this site (unless the work of a third-party) may be shared freely in digital form, in part or whole, for non-commercial use with a link back to this site crediting the author. All links in articles must remain intact as originally posted in order to be republished. If you are interested a third-party article, please contact the author directly for republishing information.


Categories: Functional Fitness, Natural Health, Preparedness, Primal/Paleo Lifestyle, SHTF | Tags: , , , | 13 Comments

Michelangelo’s Subtraction Solution: Carving Your Masterpiece Preparedness Plan

by Todd Walker

Sometimes preparedness means saying no to 1,000’s of things – and people.


On our journey to preparedness, we’re suppose to add to our skill set, physical preps, and knowledge base. But our magnum opus, our greatest work, comes through subtracting everything that is not prepared for our future.

It occurred to me recently that we prepper-types are not keen on the concept of subtracting stuff. The latest, greatest, and shiniest must-have items don’t always make life easier – or survivable. Take a cue from Michelangelo and start subtracting. Chip away at stuff that doesn’t belong in your plan. Instead of constantly adding, subtract stuff strategically.

I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.

~ Michelangelo

Let’s assume our world as we know it crumbles. All the technology, elevators, ‘reality’ shows, and food trucks stop. No more electrical grid, fiat money-spitting machines, or Ben and Jerry’s ice cream kiosks in the mall. Our fragility catches up to us.

Those who make it through the reset are left to rebuild. But how? Even SmartPrepper’s stuff will eventually expire or be consumed. What then?

We’ll have to become producers. The most necessary stuff first. We all know the importance of water, food, and shelter. Do we have the skills, knowledge, and tools to enable us to produce these?

Oh yea, I’ve got all that stuff saved on my computer. Oops!

Below are three key areas that will greatly benefit from applying the subtraction solution before the reset occurs. Keep in mind that less is more and simple is better.


Open your copy of The Encyclopedia of Country Living. You do have this in your library, right? Bury your face in the pages. Breathe deeply. The scent of a bound book can’t be replaced or duplicated. I love the smell of a good book in the morning!

The Encyclopedia of Country Living

Below The Encyclopedia of Country Living is one of my 3-ring binders of how-to’s and such. Print hard copies of important stuff before the reset.

Now, try this exercise with your eReader, tablet, or smart phone. There’s an obvious in-your-face difference, something lost on moderns and our neo culture.

Time is the best method to determine what preps need to be chiseled away. Modern technology is young. And fragile. And I use it. I have apps that help me identify wild foods, survival techniques, and other need-to-know stuff.

But I’m not counting on electronic gadgetry to be around after the reset. If a thing is resilient, it will rebound from stressful events. If not, like all living or non-living fragile things, they will exit the gene pool or become useless paper weights.

Granted, resourceful folk have ways to charge all their gadgets for blackout events and emergencies. But don’t overlook the wise choice of hard copy, ink on paper, resources. They go long-term. And smell better!


Humans are tool-using animals. Our use of these tools separate us from other animals. Before Michelangelo turned granite blocks into angels, he needed the right tools.

Primitive technologies are time-tested. Something as simple as a wheel or lever fall out of favor in our modern mania. Mystified by flashes of light and cute ring back tones and shiny objects, we’ve traded non-fragile for fragile.

Here’s an article on 6 simple machines every SmartPrepper needs if you’d like a refresher.

Simple machines save labor. More importantly, time has proven them to be both useful and robust. The tools that survive are the ones that have been serving mankind for hundreds, even thousands of years.

I love my power tools. They save time and labor as well. Over the years I’ve tried to whittle away my dependence on these machines. What I’ve learned is that using simple hand tools ain’t so simple. They’re simple, but they take practice.

Hand tools you may want to start adding to your reset tool box include:

Woodworking: Hammers and mallets, chisels and knives, sharpening supplies, saws (rip, crosscut, miter, etc.), brace and bits, augers, rasps, planes, pliers and wrenches, screw drivers, measuring tools (steel carpenter’s square, tapes and rulers, try square, bevel), axes and adzes, drawknives and spokeshaves, levels (4 foot, 2 foot, and torpedo levels), and lots of hardware.

Bits for my brace. $10 at a yard sale!

Bits for my brace. $10 at a yard sale!

Timber harvesting: 2 man and one-man crosscut saws, felling axes, wedges, sledge-hammer, mauls for splitting, log-jack and peavy, and sharpening supplies.

buck saw

My buck saw and a small wash board. Clothes will get dirty using this tool.

Kitchen: Cast iron cookware, hand mills, containers of all kinds, knives, canning equipment and supplies, meat saws, butchering equipment, and hand-cranked meat grinders.

Metal working: Basic blacksmithing tools (forge, anvil, post vise, hammers (again), quench tub, tongs, punches, hacksaw, and files). Note: The ability to shape metal tools seems to have been delegated to China. It’s hard to find well made tools now. When and if you find a quality tool artisan, invest in his/her robust tools. Even better, learn to make your own.

Multi-use tools: Ratchet and socket sets, utility knives, adjustable wrenches, oil cans, allen wrenches, clamps and vises.

There’s many more tools to list, but in the spirit of subtracting, I’ll stop here.

Where to find tools: Flea markets, antique shops, yard and estate sales, swap meets, and farm auctions. If you want to buy new, spend some time online shopping at Lehman’s.


Cutting crappy people out of your masterpiece maybe the most difficult task, but it’s the most important. Dealing with crappy people is like carrying 179 pounds of s****t in a sack on your back. They drain your life of energy and attract flies.

This may come as a shock to some, but there are crappy people who are preppers, too. For the most part, I’ve only encounter a few of this variety. The one’s I’ve been unfortunate enough to meet are scary.

Avoid them like the plague. They will hurt you. Here’s my test to determine if someone is a crappy person and/or prepper. They exhibit the following:

  • It’s all about me attitude. They’re the center of the universe and your brain if you let them in.
  • They’re not F.A.T. – Faithful – Available – Teachable – they’re toxic. And the worst part is they think they are actually helpful and F.A.T.
  • They can be family, friends, coworkers, bosses.
  • If you’re a blogger, they show up as trolls in your comment section. They attach to you like ticks and drain your blood, energy, and creativity. You’ll never change their mind. So don’t try.

Erase them. Especially online, faceless trolls and haters. Resist the temptation to prove your point. If you jump in the fray, you’ve just proven their worth and stroked their ego. Even if you ‘win’ the battle, you’ll come out bloodied. Don’t waste your time.

When you stand back and look at your work of art, the useless shards of rock no longer hide your masterpiece. You’ll only see what belongs.

Add as many thoughts as you’d like in the comments. I promise not to subtract them.

Keep subtracting stuff strategically,



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Categories: Preparedness, Self-reliance | Tags: , , | 3 Comments

Being a Prepper and Producer

by Todd Walker

If you had the four basic materials – graphite, cedar, metal, and rubber, could you produce a wooden pencil?

You may be wondering why we’re even talking about a simple writing utensil. They’re not on most List of Lists to help you survive mutant biker zombie attacks. I’ve read that we need guns, lots of ammo, and mall ninja weapons to repel the un-dead. Even blunt objects work in a pinch!

This question isn’t just mental gymnastics. The reality is that no one person can produce a single wooden pencil. The production process is too complicated. If you want to learn more on what goes into producing one pencil, read Leonard Reed’s essay “I, Pencil.” You’ll never take pencils for granted.

If you can’t produce a simple pencil, do you have any hope of producing sustainable stuff like food, water, and fuel? The good news is, yes!

Here’s more good news – you don’t have to produce everything. In fact, you may be better situated by being dependent on others for some of your stuff. This may not sound like SmartPrepper advice, so I’ll explain.

Complete self-sufficiency is rarely going to happen. Think for a moment about the complexity and interconnectedness of our goods and services that we depend on and consume. I make my own DiY deodorant, grow some of our food, collect rain water, and pride myself in being able to produce some stuff we need around our place. I trade time and skill as a teacher for stuff (money) which I exchange with other producers to fill in the gaps for things I don’t or can’t produce, yet. We haven’t ‘arrived’ yet, but every new item I learn to produce is one step closer to freedom.

Take a look at self-sufficiency pins on Pinterest, or #PrepperTalk on Twitter, or other popular preparedness/homesteading blogs to see if you measure up. We tend to fall into the dangerous trap of comparison. Or we get motivated to apply knowledge and start doing the stuff.

Whether events unfold as we fear or not, there will always be the need to trade with other producers. Positioning yourself to be a producer, at whatever scale, will only add value to your future preparations.

Here are just a few of the many benefits of becoming a producer.

  • Value. Producers are people who add value to others. A product or service that adds quality of life to others will always be in high demand and barter-able.
  • Frugal. If you produce your own food or energy, you have a great appreciation for the stuff you’re producing. You understand the hard work, skill, and time that goes into your gadget or groceries. Producers are less likely to take their product for granted. Producers are stewards and are reluctant to squander resources.
  • Independence. Producing stuff, if only for personal use, reduces your dependence on the system that is rigged against you.
  • Interdependence. This is the flip side of producing stuff. No matter how self-sufficient we become, we’ll still need stuff others produce. You’d think this would be a negative. It’s not. If everyone was completely self-sufficient, where would you find a demand for you product. It’s all tied into the complex web of producing and consuming.
  • Wealth. This is a tricky word. The definition changes depending on the circumstance we find ourselves in. After a collapse, fiat dollars in a bank won’t build much wealth for you. When hyperinflation kicks in and you need a wheelbarrow of greenbacks to buy bread, you’re not a wealthy individual. Wealth in this situation means skills, tangibles, and attitude.

“I don’t want to be a product of my environment; I want my environment to be a product of me.” —  William Monahan

The road to preparedness and self-sufficiency is paved with obstacles. Some are speed bumps. Others seem like mountains. Having the ability to produce the food, water, and energy makes you more antifragile. Antifragile systems improve with random roadblocks. They don’t curl up in a corner and cry.

Fuel or energy is needed to do all the pushing, pulling, and lifting to leverage your time. Once the balloon goes up, there will still be modern heavy equipment and vehicles sitting around for resourceful, SmartPreppers use. Instead of an eight ton piece of yard art, producers will be able to fire up these bad boys and do work.

Prepping or Producing?

To prep or produce. Both are necessary. Storing stuff is smart. But how long will that your stored fuel last? And how much is enough? It will eventually go bad or be consumed. I have gas stored for emergencies, but not long-term use.

Here are some sustainable ideas on how to feed the machines to get work done. Before any environmentalists write nasty comments about creating greenhouse gases, go out with your spade and till an acre, no, just a half-acre garden spot by hand and get back to me. Nothing runs like a deere.

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Produce it Yourself energy. To build a generator, you’ll need wire, motion, and magnets. The amount of electricity produced depends the size of these items. Here’s a simple science experiment you can try with the kids to get you in the flow.

Water is a way to provide the force needed to create motion. Hydro power is a viable alternative for those with water available. And you don’t need a large river on your property to get the power flowing.

Producing stuff should be an essential part of your preparedness strategy. That stored stuff won’t last forever.

What’s your plan for producing stuff?

Doing the stuff,


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Categories: 180 Mind Set Training, DIY Preparedness, Frugal Preps, Preparedness | Tags: , , | 13 Comments

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